His Kidnapped Princess

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Requested by HardyTwister hope you all enjoy!

Pacifica screamed internally as she got kicked in the stomach again. She didn't know how long she had been missing, but she knew that he would come for her soon.

"Are you sure he's coming?" One of the thugs asked.

"Of course he will!" Another answered. "And he better have the money or blondie won't see another light of day."

Pacifica gulped and hoped that Dipper would hurry. Sure the thugs had left clues to find where they were, she knew Dipper would find her, whether he solved the riddles or not.

"How much money?" One thug asked, sounding greedy.

Pacifica didn't want to hear, she knew it would be a lot because everyone knew how rich the Gleeful family was. She wished that she never trusted anyone, like the Journal told her. She felt tears roll down her face and onto the cement floor, making a a tiny puddle on the ground. Please Dipper, she thought, please hurry. She closed her eyes tight and hoped that this was a dream. "He'll come for me, you know." Pacifica said, trying to sound brave. "He won't put up with this."

The leader of the gang, laughed. "Wow you're as stupid as I thought you were. He will put up with our demands or else."

"He won't!" She protested. "If I've learned anything from my days with him, is that he is not a threat to be taken lightly! He will find you if it's the last thing he-!" The bigger thug kicked her hard in the stomach repeatedly and shouted, "shut up!" Right as he said that, there was a light knock on the door. He signalled one of the guards to open the door and kill whoever it was, once Pacifica heard that, she bit her lip and kept her mouth shut. The guard that went to open the door and yelped loudly, and was gone in a flash. The other guards of the gang, gasped in surprise and went to investigate while their leader, Hunter (you'll understand if you're a Odd1sOut fan), stayed put and kept an eye on Pacifica, and one eye on his gun. More shouts and cries were heard before the rest of them vanished and all Pacifica heard, was a simple snapping of fingers. She knew that Dipper had come. The door swung open and Hunter jumped a little bit, before picking up his gun, and pointing it at Dipper, who just chuckled. "I'll kill you!" Hunter shouted.

Dipper waved off the comment. "Now now, that doesn't matter to me. Now you've got my attention, what do you want?"

"The money." Hunter spat. "You know that! Now hand it over!"

Dipper clicked his tongue and shook his head. "My my, you are not a very patient man, are you?"

Without answering the question, Hunter suddenly pointed the gun at Pacifica's head. She closed her eyes tight and cried out. "I'll kill her!"

To Hunter's and Pacifica's surprise, Dipper chuckled some more. "Well I'm quite surprised, you must have a death wish, sir." Hunter's fingers were about to squeeze the trigger and that's when everything was about to go wrong. Dipper's amulet had suddenly began to glow a neon blue, and the same thing happened to his icy cold eyes. The lights went out and all Pacifica could see, was the neon blue glow coming closer and closer to them.

"S-s-stay back!" Hunter yelled. Dipper smirked and snapped his fingers once more, dissolving Hunter's gun in seconds. Hunter gasped and let go of Pacifica, dropping her to the floor. "W-w-what are you?!" He shouted, suddenly getting more scared.

The lights went back on and Dipper's amulet and eyes had stopped glowing. He dropped to his knees and untied the rope binding Pacifica. He pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her and she cried softly into his chest. Dipper looked back at the man who had kidnapped his girlfriend and glared at him. "Mark my words sir, if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I will put you through so much pain and despair that you will beg for death. Do I make myself clear?" The man, too scared to say anything, nodded and quickly ran out of the room. Dipper didn't care where he went, as long as he never hurt Pacifica again, he would be fine. "Thanks for saving me, Dipper." Pacifica finally said, after drying her eyes. "And what you said to him, that sounded freaky. But somewhat sweet?"

He chuckled at her and kissed the top of her head before whispering, "I meant every single word."


~Published October 15 2016 at 7:56pm

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