Amour de ma vie

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Requested by HardyTwister I put a lot of effort into this one and I really hope y'all enjoy it! People tend to like my Vampire RevDipcifica oneshots so I might make a lot of them. Note that this takes place after my first oneshot of this, but before the last one I wrote. And this one is a little dirty-ish if you catch my drift *wink wink nudge nudge*

Please be a dream

Pacifica knew that it wouldn't be, but she closed her eyes. The female Vampire stood right in front of her with a smirk on her face. "You know," she said, "you've really caught his interest."

"Who's?!" Pacifica asked, feeling a surge of braveness.

"My brother's." She explained, with a wide smirk. "You're the Amour de sa vie."

"What?" Pacifica asked. "What does that mean?!"

The girl smiled. "He wants to visit you, but he knows what your parents will say."

". . . . .Dipper?" She asked.

The strange girl nodded. "Yes, Dipper Gleeful. He misses you."

"It's only been a week." Pacifica noted.

"True but once a Vampire finds it's  Amour de leur vie," she explained, "they start feeling that they can't be away from the Amour de leur vie for long."

"What does that mean? Why do you keep saying that?!" Pacifica asked, getting fed up with this Vampire.

"Amour de leur vie means  Love Of Their Life." The mysterious Vampire explained. "And you happen to be his."

Pacifica felt cold all of a sudden. "I. . . . .am?"

"Well of course you are, darlin," she said, her southern accent appearing stronger in that sentence. "It's strange for him to fall in love with a girl he doesn't even know. I mean, he doesn't even know your name. He just calls you Blondie."

Pacifica frowned at the nickname. 'Blondie' didn't  suit her at all. ". . . . . .I don't even know him."

"Yes you do," she rolled her blue eyes, she looked exactly like Dipper. But female. "Question, what do you think of him?"

"I've only seen him twice!" Pacifica exclaimed.

"From what I've heard that's long enough to fall in love." The southern Vampire smirked again.

"But I don't love him!" She shouted.

The Vampire feigned a sad look, and put her hand on her chest. "Aw, he'll be heartbroken."

"Just beat it!" Pacifica shrieked, "I don't want to have anything to do with this!"

"Goodbye, Pacifica." The Vampire waved bye, "oh, by the way, if you were wondering, the name's Mabel Gleeful. Don't tell Dipper about this conversation."


Pacifica laid in bed with her eyes wide open. She was the love of a Vampire's life. What would her parents say?! They would either shun her or just give her the silent treatment. They were strong believers in Monster Hunting and that a monster and human pairing is evil. Her eyes felt like lead weights and she wanted to sleep. She really did, but she had a feeling that someone was watching her. She sat up and looked at the clock. 3 am. It was too early to get up and do anything but she couldn't sleep. She looked over at her desk and saw a shadow sitting in her chair. She rubbed her eyes and looked over there again, okay I have to be dreaming. But she wasn't, the shadow was still there. "Who are you?!" Pacifica exclaimed, hoping her parents would hear her and come to her aid.

"We meet again, sweetheart." He chuckled, and Pacifica instantly recognized his voice.

"D-Dipper?" She asked, even though she knew it was him.

"Surprised you remember me." Dipper muttered, he closed whatever he was reading and Pacifica realized he was reading her Journal! "Although I've been told that I'm unforgettable." He stood up from the chair he was occupying, and walked over to where she sat. "You must agree with that."

Pacifica shook her head. "No way! You're creepy."

"That's just your opinion." He said, sitting down next to her, making Pacifica feel very uncomfortable.

"And does that not matter to you?" She asked, inching away from the Vampire.

"I never said that." He explained, moving closer to her. "I value your opinion."

Pacifica moved as far away from him as she could, and he still moved closer. "Please stop moving towards me. It makes me feel uncomfortable."

He rolled his eyes and her, an amused look on his face. "Why?"

"Because it just does!" She exclaimed, wondering why her parents weren't here yet.

"You're strange." He mused.

Pacifica stood up off of her bed, and actually wished she never asked who was in her room. Sure it would've been creepy if someone was watching her and she didn't know, but now she was trapped with a Vampire that was obsessed with her, alone. "Fine, I'll move." She wrapped her arms around herself and hoped he would go away.

Unfortunately for the blonde, he got up and stood in front of her. "Fine, I'll confess." He grabbed Pacifica by her shoulders, "I can't get you out of my head." Dipper's little confession made Pacifica bite her lip. So Mabel was telling the truth, Pacifica thought. "You really intrigued me the first time I saw you, and you never left my thoughts. Not once."

Pacifica felt her face get super hot. His face was just centimeters away from hers. She knew she was blushing, because without saying anything, Dipper crashed his lips onto hers. Pacifica squeaked in surprise, and tried to push him away. She didn't want to think it, but she couldn't deny how great of a kisser he was. He grabbed her wrists tightly, and pinned her against the wall, making her squirm a little. Part of Pacifica felt embarrassed, while the other part of her enjoyed this. When he let go of her wrists, she wrapped her arms around his neck and actually kissed him back. He ran a hand through her hair, making Pacifica shiver a little. "Pacifica?" Dipper stopped kissing her as soon as he heard Pacifica's mother's voice.

Pacifica mumbled an 'oh shit' before taking a couple deep breaths. "Yes?" She finally asked.

"Are you alright?" Her mother asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine!" She shouted back. "I just. . .fell out of bed!"

"Okay, goodnight." Her mother said, before walking back into her room.

Pacifica sighed in relief and noticed that Dipper had disappeared. She blinked in confusion, and noticed a note on her bed. She carefully picked it up and read it; I had fun. You're the Amour de ma vie~

Pacifica smiled slightly, before climbing back into bed, and slowly drifting to sleep.


Alright, I'm updating a lot tonight. I really hope you enjoyed this one because I poured my soul into this! Haha just kidding. Enjoy the updates! I honestly didn't think I'd have so many ideas and they mostly come from your requests. Like when I type one idea, I get another idea. Keep reading, commenting, and voting!

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