Electric Kiss

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Found this picture and just watched Aladdin, so I have to write this!

Pacifica stormed out of the throne room, furious with her father's decision. She hardly even knew this 'Dipper' , let alone believe that he was different from the other princes. She walked onto the balcony and looked off into the dark sky, it was like the sky decided to become dark, just like the young princess's mood. She sighed and leaned on the guard rail of the balcony and thought about how unfair her father was being.

"You know, it's quite rude to leave your guest alone." Dipper's sarcastic tone was easy to pick out. Pacifica, furious, turned around and stared at him. He was leaning against the door frame with an amused look on his face.

Pacifica scoffed. "What do you want?"

He put his hands in his front pockets and meandered toward her. "Why must you always think I want something?"

"Because of what you are!" She shouted. "You're just like all the other princes my father has tried to set me up with."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? I very much doubt that."

She groaned in frustration. "This is what I mean. They always think that they're the best and every girl would love to have a chance with them, but I'm not like that!"

"Really? Well princess, I'm quite surprised."

She scoffed. "If you make one more egotistical, sarcastic remark, I'll-"

"You'll what?" He asked, "send your chicken after me?"

She frowned. "Actually that does sound like a good idea."

"You wouldn't dare." His voice lowered.

"Believe me. I will. Now please, if you're done speaking to me, leave." She replied calmly.

"I honestly think I should get to know you since I am going to be your husband in," he looked like he thought about it, "five days."

Pacifica felt herself make a fist. "I don't want to 'get to know you' I don't want to know anything about you! So just, go jump off the balcony!" She walked towards the door to head in for the night when she heard him sigh.

"Well if it's what you want, sweetheart." He took a step over the railing and proceeded to walk right off of the balcony and towards the ground.

"WAIT!" Pacifica yelled, running towards where he had just jumped off.

"What?" He asked, using his amulet to keep himself in the air. He stared up at her.

"How are you doing that?" She asked, curiously.

"Oh this?" He asked, he began to pace on the air. "Hmm, I guess you could say that I'm different."

She giggled. "I can see that."

He stared silently into her eyes cursing himself for caring so much for her. "Hey I've got an idea."

"Oh really? Will this idea actually work?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Ha, ha." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah I think so, are you willing to try?"

"Why not?" She nodded.

"Step over the railing." He instructed, and although she was nervous, she did so. "Right, now take my hand." She followed every instruction he gave. "Now jump off the balcony."

"Are you sure this'll work??" She asked, suddenly fearing her life.

"Yes. I'm positive." He sighed, "now come on."

Pacifica felt her feet leave the balcony, and she closed her eyes tight. But nothing happened. She opened them and saw that she was levitating. Dipper smiled at her, and took both of her hands. "See? You're a natural." He grinned and started walking away from the palace with Pacifica at his side.

"How come, you're able to do this?" She asked, suddenly becoming breathless. "And how come my father and his soldiers don't have this?"

Dipper chuckled. "I told you, sweetheart. I'm different."

She rolled her eyes. "That doesn't exactly give me a good answer."

"Does it not?" He asked. "Well, I can't tell you."

"And why is that?" She inquired.

"I'll explain that later, right now, I just want it to be you and I." He explained.

Pacifica felt her cheeks burn and her heart melt. Never had a guy said that to her. They always talked about how great they were. She knew that Dipper, was different. His deep chuckle drew her out of her thoughts. "What?" She asked.

"It looks like we're dancing." He replied, twirling her around.

"It just seems better in the air then on the ground." Pacifica commented.

"I couldn't agree more." Dipper brought Pacifica closer to him, and he could tell that Pacifica's feelings for him had sparked. And that's all he wanted.

He brought her back to the balcony, and she stepped back onto it carefully, looking back to see Dipper. She looked down upon him, while he gazed up at her. She suddenly felt the space between them get smaller and smaller until her lips met his. Pacifica had finally figured out, that she had fallen for someone like him. And now she would actually be happy with him, because of how they connected.

~Published October 16 2016 3:56am

Any more requests? Because I'm so hyped at 3am that I'm typing!!

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