Don't Jinx It

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"Why do you always follow us? It's starting to get really annoying!" Pacifica pointed a finger at Dipper Gleeful. She knew he was following them in purpose. Like the creep he is.

"On the contrary Southeast," Dipper put his hands in his front pockets, "I believe it is you who keeps stalking me."

"Oh get over yourself, Gleeful!" Pacifica shouted.

While watching the two teens bicker, Gideon rolled his eyes and mumbled, "aaaaand they're at it again."

"Why don't you just admit it, Southeast?" Dipper rolled his eyes.

"Admit what?" Pacifica was genuinely confused by what he meant.

"That you fancy me." He smirked.

"WHAT?!?! I DO NOT!" Pacifica felt her face get warm.

"Denial isn't just a river in Egypt."

"You're so annoying!"

"And charming." Dipper said, with a sly smile.

"ARRRGH!" Pacifica grumbled, getting frustrated with Gleeful. "You know, I'm almost 100% certain the only reason most girls in town are into you is because you use your evil, dark magic on them." She stated matter-of-factly.

"Tsk. I recent that. And I'm positive your loudmouth is what drives men away from you." He countered.

". . . . .  .guys. . . .hey guys? Guys?!" Gideon exclaimed.

"Oh really?!" Pacifica exclaimed, "well apparently it's not loud enough since you're still here!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dipper and Pacifica were now face to face, but their faces were getting closer.

"PACIFICA! GLEEFUL!" Gideon yelled startling the two arguing teens. They both turned to Gideon. "IF YOU TWO WOULD STOP FLIRTING FOR TEN SECONDS YOU'D REALIZE THERE'S A HUGE MONSTER BEHIND YOU!" He yelled.

"We're not flirting!" Pacifica sighed.

Dipper scoffed. "As if that would ever happen." Wait?

Pacifica frowned. Did Gideon say?

There's a huge monster, Dipper thought.

Behind us? Pacifica asked herself.

The monster roared from behind them, causing Pacifica to cling to Dipper who immediately smirked while Gideon face palmmed. Dipper's amulet began to glow and so did his eyes. "Alright then," he muttered. "It's about to go down."


Small RevDipcifica, but it's there!

Small RevDipcifica, but it's there!

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