It's Mine

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Requested by HardyTwister hope y'all enjoy!

"Brother dearest, the doorbell rang!"

Dipper Gleeful sighed. "Why can't you get it?"

"Because I don't do things like that. You do." Mabel Gleeful replied, grinning wickedly.

Dipper rolled his eyes but walked over to the door anyway. When he opened it, he was a little shocked. There was a basket covered with a tiny blanket. "Uh. . .okay then." Dipper grabbed the basket, surprised that it was heavier than he imagined.

He took it inside and carefully peeled the blanket away from the basket. His eyes nearly exploded. There was a tiny baby laying in the basket, sound asleep. There was a note attached to the basket that Dipper just noticed. It read:

She's yours. . .I can't take care of her.

Dipper wanted to believe that this was a prank, but he felt a connection to the young thing that was strange enough. "Do you have a name?" He murmured to the baby. "Damn, now I have to do that as well." He chuckled and took the baby upstairs, ignoring his sister altogether.

* * *

"Are you a Lana?" Dipper asked, while holding the baby in his arms. "No, I don't think so." He shook his head, not believing that he was actually taking care of a baby. Well, sort of. "How about. . ." He actually thought about it for a moment. "Veronica."

"Brother dear, what are you doing?" Mabel's voice sounded from his doorway. "What is that?"

"It's mine," Dipper replied, watching the baby--Veronica--carefully. "She's your niece."

Mabel looked genuinely happy. She walked over, her heels clacking on the floor. "She's so cute!" Mabel exclaimed. "What's her name?"

"Veronica." Dipper murmured softly. "Now be quiet, she's just gotten back to sleep."

"Who's the mother?" Mabel asked. "You know, don't you?"

Dipper shook his head, but he knew exactly who the mother was. He could see it in the eyes of the kid. The ocean blue eyes that followed him everywhere, the only eyes he thought of since they broke it off. Pacifica Southeast. "But I can take care of her."

"You'll need help," Mabel chuckled. "She's old enough to drink from a bottle so you're lucky."

Dipper laughed, "thank you, Mabel."

"You're most welcome, Dipper." Mabel carefully lifted Veronica from Dipper's arms and held her close. "She looks so much like you."

"How can you tell?" Dipper asked.

"I dunno. . .I feel it. But you know who else she reminds me of?" Mabel asked.

"Who?" Dipper echoed.


* * *

Many more months had passed, and Dipper had already gotten used to Veronica being around. He did his best to be a parent, and he was surprised to find that he actually liked being one.

"Dipper, someone wants to see you." Mabel said, sounding a little wary.

Dipper was sitting on the living room floor, watching Veronica crawl slowly toward him. He smiled at her, "you did it!" He praised, then he looked at Mabel. "Who?"

Mabel moved out of the way and standing behind her was Pacifica Southeast.

Dipper had been shocked enough in his life, and this surely shocked him, but he didn't show it one bit. "Pacifica? What are you doing here?" He asked, scooping Veronica up in his arms.

"I need to talk to you." Pacifica admitted, glancing at Mabel. "In private."

Mabel scowled and stalked away, mad that she wasn't going to be included in the conversation. "Whatever!" She scoffed. 

"What do you need to say?" Dipper asked, walking over to Pacifica. "Is this about-"

"You know she's mine, don't you?" Pacifica whispered, "you figured it out?"

"It wasn't hard," Dipper admitted. "She has yours eyes. And I just. . .knew it."

Pacifica smiled slightly, "what did you name her?"

"Veronica." Dipper replied. "Veronica Lyra-Rose Southeast-Gleeful."

Pacifica chuckled. "Long name, she'll hate it."

"Well I happen to like it." Dipper argued, playfully. "Are you going to stay?" He asked.

Pacifica knew that this question would come up, and she already knew her answer. "Yes, but only if-"

"Of course I want you here!" Dipper placed Veronica on the couch and pulled Pacifica into a tight hug. "I've missed you so much. . ."

Pacifica wrapped her arms around Dipper and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I love you, Dipper." She whispered.

"And I love you, Pazzie." He kissed the top of her head. "Now help me with Veronica."

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