Black Sea

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Requested by HardyTwister hope y'all enjoy!

Captain Dipper looked over the edge of the boat and heaved a sigh, "damn these tides, I feel that there's a storm coming in from the East."

"And eastern storm aye?" Dipper turned around to see Gideon leaning  against the railing, "damn your senses must be sharp today, what's on your mind? Rest well?"

Dipper looked back into the cool dark water and Gideon instantly remembered the nightmares that the captain had been having ever since they went out to sea. Which was forever ago. Gideon winced at his own mistake, "well....uh...better than usual?"

Dipper continued to stare into the depths of the sea. "Black Sea...I used to love this area, but now..." He trailed off, because he was captain he could do that, and looked back at Gideon.

"Now what?" Gideon asked, glancing around. He didn't particularly like storms especially when he was on a ship, but that's the life of a pirate.

Dipper didn't answer right away, and Gideon thought that the captain hadn't heard what he had said, "captain?"

"Yes?" Dipper looked exhausted, but he managed to somehow sound like he had a little bit of fire left in him. And Gideon admired him for the strength he had.

"You should get some rest." Gideon said quietly and he almost regretted saying it instantly.

Dipper turned to face him and Gideon gulped. "I'm not tired." Dipper lied.

"You look exhausted." Gideon commented, "and the crew are starting to notice it now."

Dipper looked around slowly and saw that Gideon was indeed right. The crew had been staring and noticing how tired he had been lately and he hated it. Most of the time, they admired him for his courage but ever since he issue, they had begun to see a completely different side of their humanity's strongest pirate.

Dipper sighed quietly and looked back out to sea. How long had he been here? Days? Weeks? Months? He gulped, years? How long had it been since he had seen his sister?

Gideon rolled his eyes and chuckled. He knew that his captain was in his own little world at the moment and wouldn't come out for awhile. "Dipper, as your friend, I'm telling you to get some sleep."

Dipper was surprised, most people called him captain or captain Dipper, but no one ever used his name freely like that. He looked over at Gideon and saw his old friend there. "Fine, but only because I trust your judgement." He draped one arm over his shoulder to hold the cape-that was resting on his shoulders-as he walked towards his cabin.

* * *

Dipper woke up in a cold sweat and looked around wildly. When he saw that he wasn't drowning, he let out a sigh of relief. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and got out of his cot.

No one else was awake. He silently cursed for falling asleep, because now nobody was watching or guarding the ship. He walked over to the steering wheel and slowly put the ship back into course. Keeping one hand on the wheel, he dropped one hand to his side and yawned. He knew he was exhausted, he overworked himself every day, and then barely slept at all. He yawned again and turned his cold gaze to the sea and that's when he heard it.

"Come down to the Black Sea, swim with me."

Dipper's eyes widened as he frantically looked around. He figured that he was still asleep and that he needed to wake himself up. He pinched his arm and closed his eyes, before opening them again. He was still in front of the wheel. "Damnit." He cursed and pulled a dagger out of his pocket and traced the tip of it on his arm. He breathed through his teeth and looked around. He was still in front of the wheel.

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