Happy Valentine's Day

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This here update is for my readers! I'm so happy to have 1k votes, 9.4k reads, and 779 comments on my book! Fortunately for y'all, this book won't be ending very soon. I have big plans for this book and you all are making it possible! With every request, vote, and comment I get, this book becomes my top priority. But I know that most of y'all reading this are probably thinking "you haven't updated in AGES and you're calling this your TOP PRIORITY". It's because of my schoolwork I have had little time to write a quick little oneshot, for those who requested a oneshot, I SWEAR ON MY VIOLIN THAT IT WILL COME! Thank you for being so patient with me. I've decided to make little edit for Valentine's Day and here it is:

 I've decided to make little edit for Valentine's Day and here it is:

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Reverse Dipcifica is my number one Otp! I love them together!

And now, for the oneshot! Enjoy my musicians!


Pacifica clutched her backpack and continued walking to school. Today was Valentine's Day and she wasn't exactly excited for the lovey dovey holiday.

"Hey, sweetheart."

Pacifica sighed at the voice of Dipper Freaking Arrogant Gleeful. "What do you want Gleeful?"

"I want to walk my girlfriend to school, is there a problem?" He asked, if he was offended.

"Yes, because I am not your girlfriend." Pacifica stated, "listen, Gleeful, I do not like you so please let me go." She pushed past him and continued to walk to school.

But Dipper wasn't having it. He caught up with her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "denial isn't just a river in Egypt." He said, smuggly.

"You think I'm denying that I like you? In your dreams Gleeful!" She rolled her eyes.

"Hey Pazzie?" He asked, using a nickname that Pacifica loathed.

"What?" She grumbled.

"I thought happiness started with H," he said, like he was in deep thought, "so why does mine start with U?"

Pacifica almost blushed, "uh well, uh."

Got her flustered, keep at it! Go me! Dipper thought. "Pazzie?" He asked again as the two of them walked to school.

"Yes?" She asked, less hostile than before.

"I don't have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?" He asked, his arm still wrapped around her shoulder.

"Ha! How many of these do you have?" Pacifica laughed, getting a little more comfortable with Dipper Gleeful around.

"As many as I think of when I see you." He explained.

"Oh....Uh." She bit her lip and looked down.

"Pazzie, me without you is like a nerd without braces. A shoe without laces. ASetenceWithoutSpaces." He said, chuckling to himself.

Pacifica actually found herself chuckling at Dipper's attempted pick up line.

"You know what's on the menu? Me-'n-u." He said, making sure Pacifica laughed at it.

"I better go," Pacifica ran away from him and to school, where she'd hopefully wouldn't have to speak to Dipper Gleeful, because he was making her feel weird.


As Pacifica walked into school, she immediately rolled her eyes. She didn't especially like Valentine's Day, and she hated that Reverse Falls Middle School had so many couples. She knew that middle school relationships didn't last long so that's why she never put herself in one. One more year and I'll be out of here. She told herself. She headed over to her locker, but she completely wasn't prepared for what she saw. Her locker was decorated in pink and red wrapping paper. Had little hearts glued onto the paper, as well as a note taped into it. Pacifica dropped her backpack and immediately opened the note. It read:

Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart. Meet me after school at the Valentine's Dance, I have something very important to ask you

Pacifica was shocked, she didn't expect this at all. She picked her backpack up again, and opened her locker, after doing the combination. She tossed her stuff in her locker, before heading to her first hour class.


Pacifica was in the gym, with her friends at the Valentine's Dance. She was wondering who was waiting for her. "Okay, I've come to the conclusion that this was all a-"

It was at that moment that Gideon chose it interrupt her, "IT'S JUST A PRANK!" He shouted, before bursting into laughter.

"I dunno," Pacifica murmured, "the note sounded sincere."

"Really? How so?" Gideon raised an eyebrow, before walking off to get a glass of punch.

Pacifica followed him and thought of a list of reasons, all not very helpful. "I dunno, I just get the vibe that-"

"Excuse Pines, I need to speak with Pacifica." Dipper Gleeful's familiar voice sounded from behind the too bickering cousins.

"Fine, but it won't be very interesting." Gideon rolled his eyes, and walked away from them.

"Did you get my note?" Dipper asked, hopefully.

"That was you?!" Pacifica asked, but she knew that she should've known.

"The one and only." Dipper said, smuggly. "Did you like your locker?"

".....Yes." She whispered, "but I hadn't known that you did it!"

"Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart." He wrapped an arm around her. "Pacifica Southeast?"

"What?" She asked.

"Will you be my Valentine?" He asked, smiling slightly.

"Let's give it a no." Pacifica said, turning on her heel. "But, don't be surprised if you see me at....the cafe down the street, at three in the afternoon tomorrow." And she walked off.

"Well I might have to coincidently show up," Dipper murmured, stuffing his hands in his pockets before walking in the opposite direction Pacifica had.


Happy Valentine's Day my lovelys!

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