Last Words

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Requested by Mabel--Pines Hope y'all have tissues

He couldn't take another day.

He could try, but wouldn't succeed.

Every moment that passed, he felt was suffocating him.

Dragging him down deeper into the dark abyss.

He felt like dying. He thought he should.

He considered himself a unimportant, someone who couldn't make a difference in the cruel world.

He knew he didn't mean anything, he felt worthless.

He knew he was worthless. How could he not be?

Every day he went through life with a fake smile, never genuine.

No one noticed.

Who would care? He only knew one person, one person who remained his friend.

He thought more about it, how he would go, and everything slowly fell into place.

* * *

Pacifica sat across from Dipper at lunch. "You huh?"

"I'm not feeling well," he admitted. "I'm probably going to leave school layer. . ."

"Oh, you don't look sick." Pacifica said, "are you really?"

"Yes," Dipper sighed. "We can hang out later."

"Okay. . " Pacifica breathed out slowly, "you get better."

"Oh I will," he got up from the table and walked from the lunchroom. Pacifica noticed that he had left a piece of paper on the table, where he had been sitting. Pacifica shook her head, Dipper was being quite forgetful lately, and she picked it up. She opened the folded paper with care and reads it:

I'm sorry Pacifica, but this world is just not my place. I've tried for so long to fix this and fit in. I've come to realize that this world's full of sin. There's nothing for me here, I'm just a waste of space, I've got no reason to stay here with this awful race. It's a disgrace, I was misplaced, born in the wrong time, and in the wrong place. It's okay though, 'cause you'll see me soon. You'll know when your time has come, just look at the moon. As it shines bright, throughout the night, and remember everyone's facing their own fight. But I can't deal with the pain, I'm not a fighter, you'll make it through the night, just hug your pillow tighter. So let the world know, that I died in vain, because the world around me, is the one to blame, and I know in a year, you'll forget I'm gone because I'm not really something to be dwelled on. That's what they used to tell me, all those kids at school
So I'm going by the law majority rules. My presence on this earth is not needed any longer, and if anything, I hope this makes you stronger. You're the best friend, that I ever had, such a shame I had to make you so very sad. But just remember that you meant everything to me, and to my heart, you're the only one that held the key. Now it's time to go, I'm running out of space to write,nd yes I lost my fight, but please just hold on tight. I'm watching over you, from the clouds above, and sending down the purest and whitest dove, to watch over you, and be my helpful eye. So this is it, world, goodbye.

Pacifica didn't know when the tears had started, but she knew that they weren't going to stop. She got up fast from the table and raced towards her car to hopefully stop Dipper before it was too late.

* * *

Pacifica stopped the car when she arrived and Gleeful Manor and she flung towards the door and knocked on it as hard and as fast as she could. "Dipper! Open the door!" Her cries were met with silence and she gasped. "DIPPER PLEASE OPEN THE DAMN DOOR DON'T BE DEAD!"

The door suddenly opened and Pacifica fell into someone's arms. Dipper's. She looked up and him and cried, "oh thank god! Thank god!" She buried her face in his chest and cried.

Dipper winced, "I'll take it you read my note?"

Pacifica nodded, still sobbing. "How could you?"

Dipper didn't answer her, he went silent. Pacifica didn't care at the moment, she just wanted him to hold her right there and not go anywhere. "Dipper. . .?"

"Yes?" He finally said.

"How were you going to. . .going to. . ." Pacifica couldn't bring herself to say it.

"Kill myself?" He said for her, and she only nodded. "I dunno, something quick. . .like uh. . .well I guess something painless."

"When did you plan this?" Pacifica whispered.

"Two weeks ago." He admitted quietly.

"And it took you this long to even try?" Pacifica asked, eyes wide.

"It was mostly fear because I didn't know how to tell you," he explained. "But yes. . ."

"Did Mabel know?" Pacifica asked.

Dipper shook his head slowly, "no. She didn't."

Pacifica hugged Dipper tightly and closed her eyes, "thank you."

Dipper's eyes widened, "w-what?" He asked. "Why are you thanking me? I put you through hell, and almost killed myself-"

Pacifica looked at him and whispered, "thank you for being alive." She kissed him gently and the tears wouldn't stop flowing down her face.


To anyone reading this who is suffering from depression, thank you so much for being alive. I dunno you in person but I love and care for you. I can promise you that it gets better you just have to keep living your life, don't give up no matter how rough it gets because suicide is not the easy way out. It it hard to actually kill yourself, and if you ever feel this way, talk to me about this. I don't care if you are a stranger I will do my very best to help you with this. We can fight this together.


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