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No one asked for this, but I thought this would be cute. Also, I'm running out of chapters for this book. Wattpad only allows books to go to 200 parts max, so. I've been thinking, maybe I make another book? Kinda like a volume 2. Anyways, let me know!

"I never agreed to this." Dipper groaned, getting out of his car.

Pacifica got out of the passenger side. "You did, Dipper, remember? Anyways, I promised my neighbors I would watch their kids while they went out on New Years Eve."

"And I wanted to spend time with you on New Years Eve instead of going to Mabel's big party." Dipper replied.

"Well? Seems like you got what you wanted." Pacifica rolled her eyes and slung her bag over her shoulder.

"No, what I want to do is. . .more private, Pazzie." He winked at her, hoping it would change her mind about how she wanted to spend her night.

Unfortunately, it did not. "Ha ha, Dipper." She shook her head. "No, come on, do this for me?"

Sadly for Dipper, he couldn't hold his ground long enough when Pacifica asked him to do something that he didn't necessarily want to. He wouldn't let her know that, though. "Alright," he caved.

"Thank you!" She hugged him and placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Let's go."

As soon as the two walked up to the door, before even knocking or ringing the doorbell, it swung open to reveal two people that Dipper could only assume were his beloved's neighbors.

"Oh thank you, Pacifica." she hugged Pacifica. "It's been forever since we went out and--oh, who's this?"

Pacifica remembered that Dipper was standing next to her. "Oh, this is my. . .friend Dipper."

"Pleasure to meet you," Dipper said, and then thought, wait, friend?!

"oh, a gentleman."

"The very same." Dipper replied, grinning.

"Alright, you know their bedtimes right?" Pacifica's neighbor said as she led them into the house. "I say that they can stay up until midnight but then it's straight for bed. A dinner you can make?"

"Yeah." Pacifica nodded, causing Dipper to snort.

"Alright, we'll see you tomorrow." Each neighbor hugged Pacifica before they were out the door and soon gone from sight.

"Friend?" Dipper questioned again. "I'm reduced to a friend?!"

"I didn't want to tell them that you were my boyfriend because I didn't want it to seem like. . .well, you know." She stammered, flustered.

"I see." He murmured. "Alright, where are these supposed crazy kids?"

"The girl's name is Alice," Pacifica explained. "She looks almost exactly like me, and she's nine."

"Any more I have to worry about?" Dipper looked around the house.

"And her brother Jason who is twelve." Pacifica finished. "He's a handful, they both are especially."

"Wonderful." Dipper rolled his eyes. "Now, where are they?"

"I'll go find them, then I'll introduce them to you." Pacifica pointed at a chair near a counter in the kitchen. "You can sit and wait there."

"Yes, ma'am," he saluted her and went to sit down.

Once he did so, Pacifica walked up the stairs which led to their rooms. "Hey guys?" She called as she neared the top of the stairs.

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