Time In a Bottle

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Part four for the siren and pirate oneshot, requested by no one, but I really want to finish this like it's a story so, I really hope you enjoy this. And always request more!

Charlotte Gleeful was extremely bored. Her mother had been too busy trying on dresses to pay attention to her daughter, and her twin brother, Zander, was out learning sword-fighting with his instructor.

Tonight was the annual ball to celebrate the twins' birthday. Everyone came to that festive event, but to Charlotte it was a nightmare. Zander didn't seem to care. She and her twin would be turning six that year.

Her mother, Giselle Gleeful, had tried to schedule a time for Charlotte to have a dress fitting. But mainly, her mother was focusing on herself. Per the norm.

The only one who was silent about the event was Charlotte's father, Dipper Gleeful. Any other time during the year, he was just like himself, happy. But it was this day he seemed down, and she could never figure out why.

"Lotte!" Her mother called. "Hurry along, we have time for your dress fitting."

Charlotte followed her mother down the hall, but stopped short when she peered into her father's study.

There he was, just like every year, sitting at his desk, writing on a piece of paper. He was so engrossed in his writing he didn't realize that someone was watching him.

"honey?" Giselle quickly walked into his study and crossed her arms. "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready? You have to make an appearance."

"I'm almost ready." He replied. "I just have to finish writing this. . .letter."

"To whom?" She asked.

"My parents." He replied quickly.

"They're dead, Mason."

"I write them to them frequently." Dipper stood up and rolled up the letter. "I'm surprised you haven't noticed before."

Charlotte always knew that her parents were rather tense with each other. And she figured out early on that it was an arranged marriage. It was at this moment, Zander decided to barrel into the study, exposing where Charlotte was hiding.

"Father!" He called, running up to him. "I learned this new move with my fencing instructor!"

"Of course you did," he leaned forward and ruffled his son's hair. "I told you, you have inherited my skills as a swordsman."

"Were you an instructor too?" Zander asked.


"He was a pirate." Charlotte found herself interjecting.

All eyes turned to her, surprised, except for her father himself. "How do you know?" Zander asked. "is it true?"

Dipper Gleeful nodded. "I was, it was years before you were born, I stopped when I married your mother."

Giselle leaned forward and kissed her husband's cheek. "Now we should all get ready, we have appearances to keep up."

Giselle took the twins out of the room, and shut the door.

Dipper heaved a sigh and ran a hand through his hair. It had been six years since he'd seen her. Seen Pacifica, the real love of his life. One he could never be with. He quickly read over his letter that he was ready to send to her.

My dearest, Pacifica,

It has been six years since I have seen your face, six years since the night we told each other that we couldn't be with each other. But my mind has always been full of you, your smile, your eyes, your laugh. My heart aches.

As you are well aware, it is the night my children have turned six. Although they are mine and Giselle's children, my son reminds me of myself, and my daughter, Lotte, reminds me very much of you.

I haven't been able to get away onto the sea this year, my many responsibilities keep me from doing just that. I pray that it will be soon that I see you again.

I love you,


With another sigh, he rolled up the letter once more and stuffed it into a bottle, but it was only this time he had a small audience. Charlotte, his daughter, had snuck back and opened the door slightly.

She watched as he walked over to the window and opened it.

"I love you, Pacifica." He whispered as he dropped the bottle out the window and into the sea.

It was only then that Charlotte understood the meaning of her father's words. After all, everyone in his family had always said that his heart belonged to the sea, and perhaps she knew the real reason now.

Even though he was married his heart would always belong to the sea.

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