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So I wrote a oneshot titled To Tell You The Truth and I mentioned a part about Dipper and Paz being locked in a closet while hunting a ghost. @elysianataraxia has requested that I actually write that oneshot, so this is more a prequel than a sequel. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy!

"Seriously, Pacifica, this has to stop." Dipper rolled his eyes. "You insistent need to be alone with me."

"I didn't follow you, if that's what you're thinking." Pacifica shot back. This Gleeful twin would most certainly be the death of her!

Sighing, she turned back to the closet door. "I didn't expect to find you in here, okay? Mabel thought she saw something and I figured I'd check it out."

Dipper nodded, arms crossed.

"But, seeing as there is nothing in here, we can both leave." She confirmed.

As Pacifica reached for the doorknob, her heart came to a full-stop. It wouldn't open.

"Why are you wasting our time like this, Pacifica?" Dipper shot out, annoyance lacing his words.

"I'm not trying to waste our time." Pacifica stated hotly. "The door won't budge."

Dipper was silent for a beat. "I beg your pardon?"

"I think it's locked!" She exclaimed with exasperation.

"Are you serious?!" Dipper demanded, pushing his way to the door. He jiggled the knob a few times before biting his lip and turning to the girl inside the closet with him. "My God. We are."

"Hurry, Dipper! Use your magic-ing thing, and get us out of here!" Pacifica yelled.

"Would if I could, Pazzie," he drawled using that horrid nickname. "But I didn't have it on me before I entered the closet!"

"You always have your amulet! Why not now?!" Pacifica demanded, getting up in his face.

"Because it clashed with my outfit tonight!" Dipper hollered back. "This ball is one of the most important events of my life, and I will hardly allow it to be marred by poor fashion sense."

"Gods above, who the hell even talks like that?" She rolled her eyes and leaned against the back wall of the closet.

"Forgive me for being verbose, Southeast!" Dipper hissed.

They lapsed into uncomfortable silence for what felt like forever. Neither wanted to talk.

Pacifica didn't want to talk to Dipper because he acted like a pompous ass. So frequently pretentious and narcissistic. So full of himself that he had no room left for brains.

Dipper didn't want to talk to Pacifica because she was incredibly stubborn. She clashed with him, argued with him when most girls went along blindly with what he said.

Pacifica didn't want to talk to Dipper because she was simply afraid of letting something slip. That she may or may not have been slightly attracted to him. The way they argued, it was so wonderfully intelligent.

She'd never had a more intelligent argument with anyone in her life. Arguing with Gideon was kind of like scolding a puppy. He never fought back. But Dipper, he was able to hold a intelligent conversation for more than five minutes.

But, the sparing moments when they were alone and not rolling their eyes and scoffing at one another, he allowed his guard to be let down slightly, and she could see the different person.

Dipper Gleeful wasn't just a pompous and pretentious ass, he was also kind, and sweet, and interested in what she wanted to talk about. Interested in hearing what she wanted to say. Focused on her.

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