Bittersweet Breakup

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Dipper paced in his bedroom, sighing and muttering a sentence or two ever minute. He was upset, over that girl again. Pacifica. "If I tell you, will you listen?" He asked to no one. "Will you stay? Will you be here forever? Never go away."

Of course, no one was around to answer his question. He didn't care. He sat down on his bed and put his head in his hands. "Never thought, things would change." He mumbled, laying down on his bed. "Hold me tight, please don't say again, that you have to go."

He got up and went to his balcony where he could get a brilliant view of the town that laid before him. Of course, he also got a view of the Mystery Shack, where he knew Pacifica was. He was mostly upset with himself rather than her, because he knew he always managed to screw up the most perfect relationship he had.

"A bitter thought, I had it all," he leaned on the railings of the balcony and closed his eyes, as if to block the tears from escaping. "But I just," he clenched his fists, "let it go."

He remembered the moment it happened, she had said nothing after their argument, and continued to be silent toward him. "Oh the silence, it's so violent, since you're gone." He looked toward the Mystery Shack once more and saw her light was on.

She was probably up cursing his name. "All my thoughts, are with you forever." He whispered. "Until they day we'll be back, together."

Dipper watched as the light suddenly flickered out and he was trapped in his own anguish. "I will be waiting," he promised, "for you."

* * *

Inside the Mystery Shack, Pacifica was sitting on her bed, pondering her ex-relationship with that magician. Dipper. "If I had told you," she muttered. "You would have listened, you had stayed!" She tossed her pillow to the floor but that didn't smother her flames of anger.

It only made them stronger. "You would be here, forever never went away." She bit her lip and clutched her other pillow, the one she hadn't thrown to the floor. "It would never have been the same!" She cried. "All our time would have been, in vain 'cause you had to go."

She got up from her bed and climbed toward the roof, where she knew she would find peace and calm with the surrounding woods. "The sweetest thought, had it all." She sat still on the roof and clutched her knees to her chest. "'Cause I did, let you go."

Pacifica shivered in the moonlight, but didn't want to move from her spot. "All our moments keep me warm, when you're gone."

She turned her head toward Gleeful Manor and wondered what he was even doing. Probably cursing her name, wishing he'd never met her. "All my thoughts, are with you forever." She whispered. "Until the day, we'll be back together."

Pacifica got up and stared in the direction of the manor, wishing Dipper was with her right now. "I will be waiting," she promised. "For you."

* * *
Kudos to you if you know the song!

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