Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

My heart sank and Joe's quick reflexes gripped my arm and the two boys. He dragged us down the street I came willingly but the two boys were calling after him and Joe looked so angry I didn't know how to explain. It was then Joe's anger bursted upon hearing the boys saying they want to see Sebastian he carried both of them and he gruffly said for me to quickly follow him. We got back to the hotel and Nick was still downstairs with a few fans. Joe hands the two boys to him and asked him to bring them upstairs. Nick looked confused but he did it anyway I looked at him nervously and Joe grabbed my arm. "Why the hell did my kids call Sebastian their uncle?" He yanks me into the back hallways. I stared at him shocked and I could sense Sebastian following us. Joe shook me. "Answer me."

"I-I..." I looked at him and he loosens his grip on my wrist.


"They asked who Sebastian was before because they overheard you once. Okay." I created another lie and it burned my tongue to say so.

"What did you tell them?" He takes my arms in his iron grip.

"I told them that he was just an uncle." I said and he shakes me.

"I don't want them to know him as an uncle." He grits his teeth. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I know you'd be mad. Like how you are now." I said and he pulls me with him. We entered the elevator and before the door closed an arm held the doors.

Sebastian was standing there and he enters the elevator. My whole body shook as his smile chilled my blood. "Well if it isn't Mr. and Mrs. Jonas." He punched in the floor right below us.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Joe shouts at him. I held him back before he could knock teeth out.

"Hey we haven't seen each other in years and this is how we greet each other." Sebastian smiles at Joe and then he eyed me. "Oh darling Anne I've missed you."

"Don't you dare fucking call her that." Joe shoved Sebastian away. The elevator doors opened.

"Oh it's my floor. I'll see you later...Anne." He grinned at me. I was frozen that whole time. As we got to our floor Joe yanks me out and down the hall to our room. He slams the door close and I was startled.

"Do you know how much I hate him? Do you know the troubles I go through just to keep him away from you?" His jealousy has reached that point. I sighed and walked away from him. He grabbed my hand. "Answer me."

"I can't Joe I just wanna go home." I said and he turns me around.

"Did you tell him where we are so you can see him huh?" He takes my wrists.

"No I told you I don't want to see him." I said.

"So why can't we just report him to the police." He says.

"We can't it will only bring the media to all of this and I don't want that." I said.

"They won't need to know I'll figure out a way to keep them out so you'll be happy. You've changed ever since that asshole came back to bother all of us." His voice returned to its normal level but I could still feel his anger radiating off him.

"Either way they will find out." I said and he tightens his hold around my wrist.

"We're leaving. I'm calling my brothers." He lets go and walks out of the room slamming the door after him. I stood there straining to listen to him.

"Nick you still have to boys with you right?" He was walking around. "Yea we need to make a slight change in the schedule. Tell Kevin we'll leave later tonight for Spain." I moved closer to the door to listen. I looked at my own buzzing phone and saw Sebastian's name. I declined it and turned off my phone. The door opens and Joe looks at me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Get your stuff ready. We have a flight to catch." He throws his phone on the bed and collected his things on the desk and shoved them in a backpack. He took the clothes on the love seat by the window and started putting them in his luggage.

"I'll get the boys' things ready." I left the room and Joe doesn't say anything else. I put the boys' stuff in their bags and I heard someone knock but Joe already went to open the door. It was Gavin and Adrian. They looked at us and asked why we were packing.

"Monmy why couldn't we see Uncle Sebastian." Adrian looked at me as I zippered up his bag.

"We have to stay away from him now okay." I said stroking his cheek.

"Why Mommy?" Gavin asked.

"Just listen to me okay." I kissed their hair.

"Why are we leaving we still didn't go to the museum?" Gavin looked up at me.

"We'll go next time. There are more museums in Spain." I smiled. "But boys promise me that you will never tell Daddy anything about Uncle Sebastian. Okay?" I whispered to the both of them.

"Okay." They looked up at me with their big eyes they always looked curious and I felt so horrible having to make them lie to Joe. They don't need to be part of this. Joe walks in the room and I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"The boys are ready." The smile on Joe's face was faked and I could tell. I know that smile and it's never good. We made sure we have everything and Kevin and Nick joined along with us to the car that would bring us to the airport. Joe scanned the place like a hawk and his grip was unbreakable. Gavin and Adrain walked beside me and I made sure they were with me at all times. We entered the car Joe closed the door and through the window I saw Sebastian in the lobby staring at us his expression passive but I know we pissed him off.

* * *

The flight to Spain wasn't long and we had already settled in another hotel. We had dinner altogether and after that Kev and Nick took their nephews out for some desert. They left me and Joe together at the hotel. "Joe I'm sorry." He was on an armchair and I went over to him. He looked up at me taking strands of my hair in his fingers.

"I should be sorry I rushed you all out and I got mad at you." He pulls me into a kiss. I sat on his lap and he stares at me.

"Joe." I touched his face and he snaps out of his daze.

"Let's go follow the guys maybe we can get some desert." He kissed my temple and I held his hand as we exited out of the room. His hand still held my hand so tightly I soothed his arm by stroking it. Joe tensed up when my phone starts ringing. It was only Ilani. I showed him and he relaxed.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Anne where are you?" She asked.

"I'm in Madrid." I said and Joe punched in the button for the elevator.

"Okay I just wanted to know because I was afraid Sebastian caught up to you." She says.

"I know." I see Joe stare at me from the corner of my eye. He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my neck. I moved my head away from him.

"Are you safe with Joe and the kids?" She asked and I felt Joe whispers something on my neck.

"Yea." I said and I looked at Joe as the elevator stopped and he walked us out.

"Alright. Enjoy okay relax and Joe will always be there so screw Sebastian." She says.

"Bye thanks and I'll see you soon." I said and I looked at Joe.

"Can we do something later on tonight?" A small devious smile comes on his face.

"Maybe but never do that when I'm the phone." I swat his arm playfully.

"Do what?" He says taking my hand.

"Your kissing." I said and he smiles kissing my hair.

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