Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

My eyes were adjusting to the dark when I wake up in the middle of the morning. I touched the side beside me and I sit up on my elbows. "Joe?" There was a short silence and I was scared for a moment. There was no lights creeping through anything. Joe's pants were still thrown over my chair. His shoes scrambled with my shoes. I get out of bed and I opened the door. The curtains of the balcony door were moved by the breeze. The sliding door was open and Joe was standing leaning on the railing.

"Joe?" I pushed the door a little. He turns his head around with a small smile.

"Hey Gumdrop." I walk next to him and I look down to the streets. They were still empty no sign of life.

"What are you doing up?" I take his hands. They were warm and mine were cold for some reason.

"I couldn't sleep." He ran his fingers through his hair and it fell in his eyes.

I smooth it out and his grin was showing in the dark.

"You want some tea?" I offered.

"That be great." I took his arm and pulled him back in. He sits down at my love seat and picked up a book from the coffee table. As the machine filled two mugs with tea I look over my shoulder to see him watching me.

"Here we are. I usually drink this if I can't fall asleep." I handed one to him.

"Mmm it smells relaxing." He smiles closing his eyes. We both take a sip at the same time and he puts his hand on my thigh leaving the mug in his right. There was this silence and I was just holding my cup close to my face. Joe puts his mug down and he takes mine as well. He returns and kisses me. I was surprised and he puts both hands on my neck. They were even warmer from the tea.

"Joe what are we doing?" I smiled pressing my forehead on his.

"I wanna kiss you." He takes my bottom lip and gently nibbles on it.

"Your weird." I laughed as he kisses my forehead. He kissed the tip of my nose and teases me on the lips. They grazed each other and I leaned forward but he kisses my cheek.

"Try and catch me." He wraps his legs around me and I wrap mine around his waist. I tried to kiss him on the lips but he turns his head away so I kissed his jaw. He sneaks a peck on my neck. Kiss is such a beautiful word. Joe just loved kissing me all over my face. I take his head and I make him still.

"Gotcha." I said and pushed my lips against him. He smiles and then his hands slide down to the hem of my shirt. Joe doesn't want to let go and I had to nudge him a little. "Hold on there..." I laughed and his eyes were bright with excitement.

"What?" He kisses me on the shoulder and I put all my attention at his hair. I've always loved his hair. Seeing pictures taken by the paparazzi after staring at his gorgeous face I then move on to his hair. I've always wanted to run my fingers through it. Now I could do it all the time. I take a lock of his dark hair in my fingers and he looks at me.

"You seem very fascinated at my hair." He nudges my hand with his nose.

"Because it luscious." I smiled and he takes my hair and coils it around his finger.

"Hair is beautiful." He tugs it towards him and I was inches away from his face again. The pink rising on my cheeks were from the way his hand stroked my leg. I don't know if I'm in the mood because we're having the cutest moment ever. He says some kind of joke with hair that it was so cheesy you had to laugh. Both his hands were stroking my legs now I took my mug again for a distraction.

"My gosh it's almost 4." I get up and went to the kitchen to wash my mug. I hear Joe grunt and he comes into the kitchen.

"What time is your show again?" He turns on the water.

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