Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

It was Robert Meguria who I went to school with and I had a crush on for quite a while. Ilani was right he did change a lot. Joe suddenly surprises me with a kiss on the neck and I turned back to face him. "Why don't we dance?" Joe asked and I nodded. All his friends started cheering him on and joking that we get a room after. I laughed and Robert caught my eye as he too stood up from his seat.

"Hey." He says as we walked towards the dance floor.

"Hi." Joe says to him and he looks at him while pulling me to his side.

"I'm just gonna ask. Are you Anne Rivon?" Apparently he was talking to me.

"Yea and are you Robert Meguria?" I asked and Joe suddenly butts in.

"Do I know you? How do you know my wife?" Joe asked and I put my hand on his chest.

"Jeez calm down Joe he was an old friend from school." I said as I removed my mask.

"Yes it is you. Wow Anne you've changed so much." Robert says and Joe looks annoyed. Joe removed his mask and Robert chuckles. "Oh and wow you did get your dream man." I smiled and Joe tugged my arm.

"Well it's nice to meet you. Anne and I will be dancing." Joe says hurriedly and I followed him.

"You didn't have to be so rude." I said in Joe's ear.

"Isn't there any guy that wouldn't run after you?" Joe moves towards the dancing bodies.

"He's a friend...from a long long time ago." I said.

"Sebastian was your friend." Joe says and I pout.

"You have to stop acting so jealous all the time." I said.

"I'm sorry it's just frustrating to know you have all these guy friends that have some sort of interest in you." Joe stops right in front of me.

"Not all of them have interest in me. How many times have I told you that we're married and I never will fall for anyone else." I said and he yanks me away from the dance floor and leads me through the back to a dimly lit hallway. A few girls were taking pictures and we went pass them. He pulls me into the bathroom and locks the door. "Joe you didn't have to ruin our night out." I whispered and he puts his hand against the door.

"I'm just expressing what I feel. Don't you want to know?" He says.

"Not when your angry." I looked down and he moves towards me.

"I'm not angry." He mutters. "In fact if it goes my way I'd have you against this wall making sweet love to you." His answer startles me and I felt my cheeks and neck go warm.

"Let's just go home." I said.

"I said I was sorry and I don't want to go home because I want to spend time with you. " He says. I look into his eyes and the need and want was starting to fade away from them. It looked more sincere. Lust really does change him in such a quick second. He gives me a kiss which I accept and return. "You really make it so hard for me to stay mad or angry at you." He whispers in my ear.

I followed him out of the bathroom with both our masks on. The girls outside before were gone. The music was upbeat and Joe pulls me to the dance floor once more. "Dance with me." He says and I was squeezed in between him and some other guy. It takes a while before I let loose and my hips were being held by Joe. We swayed with the rhythm of the music and a few guys tried to get close but Joe makes a move of showing that he owns me. I spotted Robert talking to a few girls already and Joe brings my attention back to him when he pulls me against him. I wrap my arms around his neck and we continued to dance. His erection was against my leg and I blush looking down. Thank god for this mask and Joe makes me laugh with a joke. He was satisfied that I wasn't in my bad mood because of our small argument. Now I realize it was just another one of those petty fights. I moved my hips which Joe was quite surprised I did that against him.

"The music is perfect for my next dance." I giggled and Joe smiles.

"I can't wait." He says sliding his hands behind my back and I rotate my hips again and again. Joe's mouth gapes slightly as I run my hand down his chest, torso, and then my fingers reached his buckle. "Is this pay back?"

"Thanks for giving me the idea." I leaned closer to bite his lip.

"Shit..."He says and stares at me. I moved away from him. Moving my hips to the rhythm of the music. With the chaos of the dancing I lost him. I smiled and moved away. I waited for Joe to catch a glimpse of me so I can lure him. I spot him coming right at me his smirk telling me he's got lots planned.

"Oh hey sweetheart." I said and with a swift discreet move he slides his hand up my dress grabbing my butt.

"You think you can just loose me like that." He growls softly in my ear. Yup he's turned on.

"I got you." I said and he slips his fingers through my panties and I thanked the dark for this.

"You know what your teasing does to me." He groans against my neck as I ran my fingernails on his bare chest. He moves his hips against me. Two layers and I could feel him throbbing. People were unaware since most of them drunk and too busy dancing to notice what was happening. He inserts a finger into me and I grab his shirt moving my hips in time with his. Suddenly I feel that the music was put louder and I had the opportunity to moan in his ear. He smiles and puts his hand on my hip squeezing it.

"This is so crazy." I smiled.

"That's why it's so hot." He says and he removes his finger from me. I watched in surprise as he put it in his mouth.

"Joe..." I gasped and my cheeks went burning hot.

"Your so delicious." He bites my lip. "I love you."

"I-I love you too." I stammered after what he had just done.

"You look flustered why don't we sit down." He says. I nod and we went back to his friends who were all looking at us when we came back.

"Tired already?" One of his friends asked.

"Just taking a short break." I smile and removed my mask.

"You want anything to drink darling." Joe asked.

"Just water." I said.

"Are you sure?" He says. I nod and all his friend offered to buy me a drink.

"It's alright guys." I said and Joe rolls his eyes.

"Joe it's amazing how Anne still has that perfect body after the babies." Joe just smiles and runs his hand down my thigh.

"I know right. Be jealous." He says.

"We are." They all said. I was quite flattered but I didn't want them to piss Joe off so I sat closer to him stroking his chest through his open shirt. As more drinks came to us my water came and I gulped it down. Joe drank and joked with his friends while I thought off what else would happen later on. Will Joe and I go home and do it then? Will we have another one of does dangerous sexcapades? The thought of Adrian and Gavin come to mind and I haven't texted my mom or she hasn't given me any updates. While Joe had conversation with his friends I texted my mom. I asked if everything was okay and that Joe and I will be home maybe around 12. As I put my phone away Joe wraps his arm around me.

"This is the best cook ever." Joe bragged. "She'll cook me all different kinds of food and everyone of them is so good." Joe says. I laughed and his friends also bragged about their little talents. There was this whole conersation that I wasn't interested in so I decided to look around the place. It was so high-end and celebrities flooded this place. I've seen so many familiar faces already. A man sits by our table and he brought his girl to sit on his lap. I look away and fiddle with the straw in Joe's glass he looks down and kisses me temple before returning to speak about new DJs he's been listening to. I turned my eyes to the guy again and this time the girl was also over him. He smiles and the girl tried to remove his mask but he refused. She unbuttoned his shirt a little and kissed him everywhere. I hope I don't look like that when I'm with Joe. As the lights went flashing in our direction the face and built of the man was so familiar to me. No this time it isn't Robert. It's the one guy I honestly wished didn't show up.

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