Chapter 96

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I breathe in through my nose and exhale through my mouth as quietly as I could. Sebastian made me gently close the door and now I stare at it through the rearview mirror. Joe still hasn't gone out looking for me. Sebastian placed the bouquet of white tulips on my lap and kissed my forehead before closing the door. The gun still stuffed in the garter of his jeans. I wanted to scream for help but if I did I'd only bring even more trouble to Joe and the kids. "Anne I'm talking to you answer me," Sebastian says in a whisper. I can feel his hand grasp on my wrist.

"Why are you doing this?" I choked out. I didn't know I was holding in tears.

"No choice it was either me breaking in taking and you or you following my orders and coming with me," he grins. He lost his mind. Oh my god he lost his mind.

"This is still kidnapping," I was shaking in fear.

"What do you mean? I'm taking you out on a harmless date baby girl," he glances at me. His face has changed so much it was no longer the Sebastian that was handsome and full of color. His eyes looked crazed and frantic. My lips quivered at the sight of hands when I looked down at my wrist. There was cuts showing signs that he has been messing up with the sewing machine.

"Sebastian where are you taking me?" I couldn't even comprehend what was happening anymore.

"Home with me," he reached his fingers out to touch my cheeks and I recoil from him.

"Take me back Sebastian please," I was crying so hard.

"No," he turns his attention back on the road.

"Please," I held on his arm.

"I said NO!" he shouts slamming down on the steering wheel and I flinched. He pulls out his gun and puts it against my temple. I froze in fear.

"Sebastian please don't," I shook in place clutching my hands against my chest.

"If you won't shut your mouth I'll make sure to shut it up later," he puts his gone back in his pants. I sat there quietly trying to figure out a way to get away from him. Never would I thought I'd be put into a situation like this. I immediately thought of the kids and Joe who must be worried sick about me. I started to fidget with my fingers and Sebastian was looking at me once or twice. It wasn't long till we got to this unknown area of the city. It looked more industrial and I had a panicky feeling that he'd just keep me in a storage room. I know he won't kill me. That's the last thing he'll ever do. He'd put everything to waste if he killed me. He parked the car and got our first taking the gun out and opening the door for me. "Out now," he hisses.

"Sebastian please where are you taking me?" I asked and he took the flowers from my lap and pushed me forward.

"Just walk," he follows after me and we go down this narrow alley and I can smell urine and garbage. I break a sweat and Sebastian was jingling keys. "You're going to like our new apartment. I got it redone just for you," he whispers opening the door. There was a newly painted staircase leading up and I turned to look at him. His eyes had the same glint of mischief in his eyes and I can see a small smile on his face.

"I don't-"

"Get up the stairs. Now," his voice was quite. Not a good sign. I started up the stairs and I hear him lock the door from the inside and he puts the keys in his pocket. Carefully I went up the stairs. There was too many and I felt like it was never going to stop and when it did stop maybe I'd fall to my death. It did stop I had to shield my eyes since it was bright due to sunlight. When my eyes focused my eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing. In the middle of an industrial area Sebastian put together this small apartment. There was glass windows covering one section of the wall and ceiling letting in some natural light. Everything else was brick walls and black and white furniture. There was a king sized bed at the corner, a full kitchen, a small living room, a table for two, and another door probably leading to the bathroom. He even brought some of his designing equipment. "Anne do you like what I did for you?"

"Sebastian you didn't have to do this. Sebastian please take me home," I cried out.

"You are being so ungrateful," he puts the tulips down on the table and rolls up the sleeves of his shirt. I back away from him.

"My kids Sebastian. Adrian you made me leave him. Your son. You took me away from them."

"It's alright," he whispers tilting his head to the side examining my shivering body. "We can make more can't we?"

* * *

I was staring out the window watching the lights of the skyline come flashing on. A few tears streamed down the side of my face. I have never felt this numb and raw in my life. I felt like I was ready to die. My fingers ache from trying to pry him off me and I could see dried blood between my fingernails. The only sound that keeps replaying in my head is the sound of the headboard hitting the brick wall too many times. I shivered and I couldn't even think about what Joe is doing now. He's probably going crazy vowing to kill anyone who took me. I didn't want any of this to happen. I heard the door close and the jingling of keys. Sebastian's footsteps on the stairs made me curl up into a ball wishing this bed would swallow me and hide me from this monster. He kicks his shoes aside and he puts down a bag of food on the table. His hair was back and styled like it was used to. A cigarette was in between his lips unlit and he looked at me probably sensing that I was already awake. "Amazing how you aren't on the news yet," he chuckled opening the bag of food removing small cartons of Chinese food. I see the scratches I've made on his neck. Sebastian was putting some food on a plate and carefully pouring some soda into a glass.

"Sebastian-" my voice was raspy and my tongue dry like sand paper.

"Hold on baby I'm getting your dinner," he says coming over to the bed and I back away from him hitting my bare back on the brick wall. Sebastian huffs putting the plate and soda down on the bedside table. "It's time to eat come here," he says removing his jacket. More scratches on his arm.

"No I'm not hungry," I gave him a stare.

"I said come here and eat," Sebastian throws his jacket on a chair. He grabs my ankle and drags me to the edge of the bed. "Obey my rules." I was pulling the blankets around me as he sat beside me holding the plate for me. I was just staring at the food stomach grumbling. I can imagine Adrian and Gavin crying not eating food either because I'm not there.

"I'm not hungry," I whispered. Sebastian grabbed my face and squeezing it holding me still.

"I said eat you are only going to get yourself sick," he holds the spoon of food to my lips. I open my mouth and he gently gives me food. "Good girl." I then refused to eat anymore. He sighs and leaves me alone thank god. Putting the food to the side he sits by his sewing machine lighting the cigarette I saw before. I stared at the food on the table and my stomach continued to grumble. I just went back to bed and turned away from him.

It felt like days but I know it was just a few hours. The apartment was now dark only a few dim lights lit the corners of the room. I was crying silently to myself for the past hour. Cried tears that I never thought I could ever produce. I felt Sebastian get on the bed and I stopped breathing for a few moments. I felt his hand stroke strands of my hair. He buries his nose in my hair and deeply breathes me in and out. I just closed my eyes tightly wishing I would just disappear at this moment. He laid down and for a few minutes I waited. I heard his light snore and I knew it was time to get out. I spotted the bag of food still out on the table so slowly I got out of bed. I ate quickly and went to grab some clothes from the closest. Sebastian must have been really tired so not one sound has woken him up. I searched his jacket pockets and I spot the gun in the pocket of his jeans on the floor.

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