Chapter 69

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Chapter 69
Joe went rushing down the stairs and I followed after him grabbing his shoulders. "What the hell do you think your doing here?" He spits out. Kevin blocks his path and Mikey helps with holding him back. I looked at Sebastian a bunch of wrapped presents were in his arms. Snow had fallen in his hair and a surprised look was plastered on his face.

"I just came to drop off my gifts." He says try to look so innocent.

"Oh." I was going to take the gifts before Joe squeezes my arm.

"Who's at the door?" Joe's mom shows up at the top of the stairs. When she saw it was Sebastian she waves before going back. Kevin took the gifts from Sebastian.

"Thank you." I whispered and Mikey looks up the stairs again and my mom was coming down.

"What's going on?" She asked and Sebastian looks over at me and then at Joe.

"I just came by to drop of my gifts. I didn't know so many people are here." Sebastian smiles.

"Oh. Well Merry Christmas Sebastian." My mom says and Joe grips my arm tightly.

"Merry Christmas to all of you." Sebastian's smile grows and and when his eyes land on me again I see a glint of want in them.

"Since you here now why don't you join us?" My mom says and we all looked at her in surprise.

"Yea sure." Sebastian nods.

"Mom really?" Joe mutters.

"It's fine." She says back. We all went back upstairs and when everyone saw Sebastian they were all shocked. I yank my mom into the kitchen and I see Ilani looking at me crazy when I walked in.

"Why would you let him stay? You know Joe doesn't like it when I'm near him." I said.

"His mom has told me that we should help him out. Anne he just went through a tough time after your break you need to fix it." She says and goes back outside to the dinning room.

"What in the world is going on?" Ilani asked.

"Sebastian is here." I put my head in my hands.

"WHAT!" She says.

"Shush. He bought gifts and stuff for the boys and me." I said.

"Where is that ass?" She was walking to the door when I stop her.

"Ilani you have to promise me you won't do anything." I said.

"Anne what has gotten into you. That creep won't leave you alone." She says.

"Please just don't. I need to explain a lot to you later on." I said.

"Why not now?" She crosses her arm.

"Because everyone is here and were going to have dinner." I said.

"Fine by the end of this night you will tell me." She says. I nod and we bough went out to the dinning room with the last few trays of food. Everyone was seated except for Joe. Sebastian had chosen a seat next to Nick who looked awkward sitting next to him. Sebastian glanced at me before I left to go find Joe. I went upstairs to our bedroom and there he was watching over Adrian and Gavin plain with their building blocks.

"If your coming to ask me to eat dinner now the answer is no because my appetite was ruined by some person." He says without looking at me.

"Joe this was not my idea." I said and he looks at me.

"But you could have told your mom no." He says.

"Joe please come downstairs. We're going to eat dinner." I said and he looks at me. He lets out a frustrated sigh and he picked up both Adrian and Gavin. They started crying because they were taken away from their toys.

"It's okay munchkins we're going to play again." I said stroking their cheeks and they hushed down. Joe does not look at Sebastian downstairs or at all during dinner. Adrian and Gavin were on their high chairs. Joe was feeding them their food and he tries so hard to smile when everyone was talking. I thanked the Lord he did not throw any sharp utensils at Sebastian at dinner. We were going to open a few more gifts and the whole family gathered in out living room. Sebastian was leaning on the wall. His arms crossed as he watched everyone opening gifts. Joe on the other hand was watching him carefully while he carried Gavin.

"I'm going to get out the eggnog." Joe says handing me Gavin. Adrian was with our parents and Sebastian saw an oppurtunity to saunter over to me.

"Merry Christmas my darling." He says and I roll my eyes.

"You need to walk back to where you were standing." I said.

"Oh come one is that the way you should treat the man who's the father of your child." He smiles this evil smile and I wanted to slap it off his face.

"People are going to hear you." I said.

"I hope you enjoy the gifts." He strokes Gavin's cheeks before walking over to the wall again where he watched this whole party. Ilani had placed cups on the coffee table filled with eggnog.

"Come on everyone eggnog!" She says and Joe comes out with another tray. He walks over to me and hands me my own mug.

"Thanks." I said and he puts his arm around me. Dani wanted to hold Gavin and now I was able to take a sip of my eggnog. "What's my next gift?" I looked up at him.

"Oh it's actually time. Go sit in the sofa with everyone.

"Okay." I said and I walked to where the Rivons and Jonases were sitting.

"Where's Joe going to?" Joe's dad asked.

"He's apparently getting my last gift." I said and Sebastian'a eyes had fallen on me once again. Adrian was playing with Gavin in the pile of wrapping paper. Alena played along with them.

"Okay everyone close Anne's eyes and don't tell her what it is." I heard Joe say. My mom covers my eyes and Joe was coming into the room. Everyone was awwwing everyone except Sebastian. Joe carefully places something on my lap and it moved around.

"Oh my god is this another baby?" I joked and everyone laughed. My mom uncovers my eye and I squealed in happiness. There's a puppy pug on my lap. "Joe my gosh it's adorable!" I held it up in my arms and everyone was like what's its name.

"It's a boy so..."Joe says.

"Sir Brannon Jonas." I said.

"Him and Winston can be good pals." Joe says and he carries Adrian and Gavin in his arms.

"It's like you guys have another kid." Mikey says.

"Yea I know." I smiled scratching the ears of Sir Brannon. Joe even had put a bow on it's collar. I look to see if Sebastian was still here and he was standing off to the side with a frown on his face. Joe had a smug look after I moved next to him and leaned against him.

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