Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

"Do you want to tell Joe?" Ilani was smiling. I trembled I had no idea what to do.

"What if he leaves me?" I walked around the room.

"Anne what are you talking about. Joe would love to hear this news. Your getting married and lets add another package. You get a baby." She pats my stomach.

"Can we go see the doctor to confirm this?" I looked for my phone.

"Fine if you want to." She says. "You should just tell Joe."

"We'll see first. I don't want to tell him right away what if I'm not pregnant or something happens."

"Don't say that." I got a hug from her. "Look your going to be alright. I know it's a shock right now but I know both of you will be happy."

"I am actually surprised." I looked down at my stomach. It was how it normally looked. "What happens with my dress?"

"Look the baby bump usually doesn't show for about 4 months and it's a good thing Joe wants to get married soon. Don't worry about it okay." She says.

"Okay." I nod. "Just please don't tell him."

"I won't." She crossed her heart.

* * *

I was sitting with Ilani in the car a few days later. The envelop with the results were in my hands. She looks at me and I opened it. I read the paper carefully. "Ilani I'm 6 weeks pregnant." I had memories of Joe and I after he proposed to me. That night I didn't remember him using protection.

"Oh my gosh! So your baby in your tummy living and breathing right now. Holy crap you have to tell Joe." She says.

"I'll try." I felt kind of happy and my heart swelled with some kind of love. I stroked my stomach. I had a growing life inside of me.

"Wedding and baby plans. If you weren't such a busy woman already. This is going to be great." Ilani was talking about everything in the car. I just couldn't believe that Joe and I were going to be parents. Now I need to figure out how to tell him.

Back at the apartment Joe was hanging out with Jojo. "Hey." He looks at me. I kissed him and he wrapped an arm around me. "Where have you guys been?"

"We were at the store." Ilani smiles.

"Oh alright." Joe looks happy. We started talking about the wedding when I remember I needed to get his opinion on something.

"Joe I have to show you the decoration for the reception." I pulled his arm so he followed me up the stairs. "One of my good friends is a wedding planner. So she has some cute decorations she wanted to show me."

"It's on the computer?" He sits on the sofa and I sat right next to him sitting gently.

"Yea. Do you like lanterns or fairy lights better?" I said and I catch him looking at me with one side of his lips turned up. "Which one?"

"Fairy lights. It's the winter time you can have a winter wonderland wedding." He kisses me.

"Yea and we can get some bare trees to put around the reception. Decorate them with some fake snow and snowflake ornaments." I gestured with my hands.

"I like that idea. Yea we should do that." He wraps his arm around my stomach. I suddenly felt nervous. Just tell him. What if he can't process what he's heard? He wants kids doesn't he? What if he leaves me?

"Joe?" I fidgeted with my ring.

"Hmm?" He smiles at me. My pulse was going haywire.

"Joe I'm...I'm nervous." My mouth wouldn't let me say what I wanted to.

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