Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Sebastian was going to get a haircut and he told me I would just be bored there so I stayed at the hotel starting a bath. They had a gold clawed bathtub and it would seem relaxing for 30 minutes before getting dressed for dinner. I heard knock at the door I put the robe Sebastian wore this morning and it smelled like his body wash. Joe was standing outside when I opened the door and I was frozen at my spot. He comes in and takes me into his arms. Before I know if we were kissing and I was still the whole time. "Joe please you need to go." I said pushing him away.

"Why? Anne I can't wait any longer. I miss you so much." He says. I pushed him out of the room.

"I don't understand why you came to Paris." I said.

"I wanted to see you. Please I'll so anything you want just forgive me."

"Fine. Go back to New York and leave me be. When I come back and I see you at that concert we'll talk." I took his hands off my arms.

"If that's what you want." He searched my face and he leans closer to kiss my forehead.

"Just go." I pulled the robe around me tighter.

"I love you." He says backing away to the hallway.

"Joe..." I looked at him but I closed the door. I put my back against the door once it was closed. "I love you too."

* * *

I was sitting down at the dressing table and brushing my hair. Sebastian was focused on buttoning his cuffs. He looks at me at the reflection. I looked down at my makeup spread on the table. "Are you okay?" He walks towards me and stands behind putting both his hands on my shoulders.

"Yea." I said fixing a smile on my face. I'm afraid he'll see remnants of Joe's kisses on my face.

"You look beautiful." He says stroking my neck with the back of his finger. He kept eye contact with me as he leans down and kisses my bare shoulder.

"You look handsome." I smiled holding onto his arm. He puts his lips to my ear and says,"For you baby." He laughs lightly in my ear and it gives me good chills running down my spine.

He had a car pick us up at the hotel and I was surprised to see it there waiting for us outside. Sebastian opened the door for me and allowed me to get in first. He spoke tithe driver and they rapidly spoke in French and I just nodded along. Both of them laughed at something. "This your wife?" The driver asked looking at the rear view mirror. He talked with such a heavy accent.

"No she's my girlfriend." Sebastian smiles at me.

"Vous devriez l'épouser. Ne laissez pas cette aller." The driver says and looked at Sebastian and his smile


"What did he say?" I asked holding Sebastian's arm.

"He says that I should marry you and that I shouldn't let you go." He looks down at me and kissed my forehead.

My eyes lowered down too our entwined hands. They continued to talk but I couldn't understand them until we finally got to the Eiffel Tower. The driver told us to give him a call after we were done. Since we made reservations for dinner we went straight up to the restaurant at the tower. We were quickly seated and Sebastian ordered us wine again. I stared out the window enjoying the view and Sebastian takes my hand to snap my attention back to him. "What a lovely view." He whispers and smiles at me. I grinned sipping my wine. He orders our food and listened to him talk to me. I was trying to think of how I'm suppose to tell him we can't be together. It's getting harder and harder. I can't resist his smile, kisses, touches, and voice. We ate our food and we talked about the fashion shows we've seen here. For desert they came out with a plate of a tasty looking cake for me that said Happy Birthday written in chocolate.

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