Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

I was staring at Joe's chest as it rose gently and then my eyes roamed up to his face. He was peacefully asleep exhausted from our crazy night. I snuggled closer to him wanting him to wrap his arms around me. I put his arm on top of me and I snuggled against him. His arm tightened around me. It was such a tiring night but it was worth it. My whole body is sore and as I wrapped my legs around his legs I was remind that my legs were a lot more sore than the rest of my body. I laid my cheek against his chest and I thought about earlier. Joe had done the all the work and he had climaxed about five times. I just laid there feeling like I was on a cloud. A smile forms on my lips and I sleep so easily.

* * *

My skin tingles and I opened my eyes to find Joe standing beside me. His hand stroking my body. He smiles and kisses me. "Good morning my love." My eyes focused and I see that he has a towel around his waist.

"Good morning." I gave him a kiss as he leans down.

"We have a band meeting later and I wanted to bring the boys so you'd have a day for yourself." He says stroking my hair.

"Are you sure you can handle both of them?" I pull the blanket around my chest.

"Yea they might do this when they're older. Who knows they can be the next Jonas Brothers." Joe chuckled. I held his hand.

"Last night was amazing." I whispered.

"It sure was." His tone had gone seductive and I traced the V-Line on his hips.

"Where are the kids?" I sit up and he looks over at the closed door.

"Eating breakfast in the living room." He strokes my cheek.

"Why don't you stay a while?" I tugged on his towel and he chuckles.

"You sound like me." He takes my face and gives me a wet kiss on the lips. "We have to leave soon." His eyes glimmered with mischief.

"Fine." I get out of bed forgetting about the blanket and walking to the bathroom naked. I glance back at him and he's staring.The closet in the bathroom held our luggages and I placed my bag on a small chair. I change into some underwear when I catch a glimpse of the bag the lingerie Joe bought me was in. I suddenly got an idea.

Joe was wearing his pants and his shirt was still unbuttoned. He walked around the room to find his shoes when he spots me. "Anne..."His mouth drops open and I walked over to him. "The lace looks nice on you." He gulps and I see his erection. I grabbed his shirt and started buttoning it up for him.

"You play games I can play too." I give him a kiss on the cheek and he has a shaky nervous smile.

"When I come home you better be naked." He whispers and I knew he was stepping up his game. I pressed my body against his and he keeps himself in check. He puts on a blazer and I lay down on the bed. His eyes don't wander over to me. I know he's trying not to but then I sat up again and tugged his blazer he looked at me and something in him weakened. He pounced on me and I giggled.

"I got you." I said and he gives me a long passionate kiss.

"I don't think I need any breakfast." He grins moving down my body and lifting up the lace nightgown. "I got five minutes."

"Deal." I grabbed the sheets when his lips met with my sensitive skin.

* * *

I was fixing Joe's hair and his wrinkled shirt as quickly as possible. Adrian and Gavin were watching tv so they were distracted that whole time. I'm smiling like a crazed idiot as Joe tries to tame his hair. "You're irresistible." He kisses me and I taste myself on his lips.

"You guys are going to be late hurry." I smiled and he opens the door. Gavin and Adrian looked up from the TV and went to Joe. I pulled a robe around me and I went to go hug the boys.

"Mommy are you going with us?" Gavin asked and I shook my head.

"No I'll be doing something else today. You guys have fun with your dad." I said and Adrian hugged me. Joe gives me one last kiss on the cheek this time and they left for the day. I smiled looking at the flowers on the table. They were so pretty they brightened up my day even more. I got changed and went out to go buy breakfast.

I brought my sketchbook with me just incase I was going to run into some inspiration. I need knew ideas for my next line. I grabbed a breakfast sandwich and some orange juice from a small cafe. The day was beautiful the sky was blue and there's a light wind. I made a quick call back at home to make sure my my newly hired workers were starting to put together my collection this coming fashion week. I was out by a fountain at the park when I see these pretty fishes in the water. Their iridescent scales gave me ideas. As I sketched by the fountain distracted I get a phone call from Joe. "Hey darling just checking on you. Are you doing okay?"

"Yea I'm fine honey." I said closing my sketchbook. There was a hint of worry in Joe's voice. "Is there something wrong?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at a park." I stood up looking around. "Joe your scaring me what's wrong?"

"I got a box here at this studio that were having the meeting. It has one of your sketchbooks. It looks like the one you have now. I thought something happened." He says.

"I'm fine Joe." I said. The fear of Sebastian slowly filled my head and I quickly packed bag and put my pencils away. I was walking down the street.

"Just making sure." He says. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said. I walked by a few guys that had some features that made them look like Sebastian and a few times I almost started to shake. Back at the hotel I was startled to find a bouquet of tulips and a box of cherry pastries. I immediately look to see who was in the hotel but I looked at the sticky note on the box it was from Joe. He might have gotten it delivered to our room before he made the phone call. I sit by the window with a pastry in hand. I call Joe but he doesn't answer. He was probably busy now. I wondered what the boys were doing because I was so used to being with them the whole day. The tulips were beautiful and I added them to the base of flowers in the kitchen table. I watched some tv, read, and sketched some more. It was weird being in this hotel room. I wanted to go out but I was being paranoid about Sebastian. He might know where I am already why doesn't he just show up. Joe must have scared him with some threat of some sort. No phone calls or text messages. That box with my sketchbook that must be it. I haven't brought anymore sketchbooks but one. It's been with me the whole day. I wanted to wait till Joe came home with the kids before we figure stuff out. I don't really want to be stressed out right now after I've been having a good day. I went to the room and decided on taking a shower. As I was removing my clothes I heard that small beep when you entered the hotel key into the slot. Housekeeping needs to start tidying up. The mess we made in just only a day. I got into the shower and I was looking at the soaps they gave us. I started singing and hopefully I can go do a little shopping after my shower.

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