Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Joe came back with breakfast. I was changing when he knocked on the door of the room. "Hold on a sec."

"I have breakfast." He says.

"I'll be right out." I put a loose shirt on. It had an upside down triangle. Ilani called it the ultimate hipster shirt. I put on the bleached short I just bought the other day. I checked the blog and Ilani had posted pictures of Venice. There was one adorable picture with her and Jojo kissing on top a bridge. When I got out the table was made. Two glasses of orange juice was poured out. There was some flowers, eggs, bacon, and waffles. Joe was sitting down with a smile on his face. I sit across from him.

"I'm sorry I got stubborn last night. Once again I lost my temper on something stupid." He strokes my cheek.

"I'm sorry for not talking to you." I touch his hand.

"Don't let the food go cold. Your not going to like it and I'll eat it anyway." He says. I laughed and cut the waffles up.

We both went downstairs and we walked around town. Today was a break and tomorrow is another show. He told me about Mikey picking me up from the airport and I agreed with it because I didn't want him to get all stressed up again. We went to this park near our hotel and sat down at one of the benches to talk. He takes my hand and he placed them on his lap. His thumb stroking the back of my hand. Paparazzi were starting to show up. Joe sighs sadly and lowered his head. "Do you wanna go?" He asked me taking my hand.

"If you don't feel comfortable sitting here with them around we can go." I said. He thinks for a moment.

"Who cares about them?" He kisses me and there was flashing cameras.

I see him looking at them from the corner of his eye. He leans back on the bench and he completely ignores them.

"Are you really sure you wanna stay?" He puts his arm around me.

"Yea." He had a smile on his face. I gathered up the courage to smile while the paps were taking pictures. We sat there until the went away. They probably got bored because they were just taking the same picture again and again. Joe and I decided to make fun of them. I giggled as I already saw the first post on Instagram.

"Wow news gets spread fast." I scrolled through my feed.

"Our fans are quick." Joe smiles to himself.

"Yup." I smiled shaking my head.

* * *

The concert must be starting soon and I'm on the plane back to New York. I'm sad that I had to leave towards the end. The band is going to have a closing show in LA then a party in Vegas. I'm going to miss all of that because of the interview and photoshoot. I texted Joe when I landed in New York finally. He straight away called me. "Hey honey bun." I smiled.

"Hey sugar cookie." He says back.

"Yummy deserts." I said. I hear him laugh. So hot.

"I'm back to NY." I see Mikey waving at me. "Oh Mikey's here."

"Good. The show was awesome by the way. Some fans were asking for you. I said you had some business to take care of." He says.

"Aww." Mikey helped me with my bags.

"Hey are you talking to Joe?" He asked.

"Yea." I nod.

"Hey what's up." He says and Joe says hey back.

"Tell him to drive you safe or else he'll get no free dinner." Joe was smiling when he says this. I told Mikey and we all started laughing.

"Okay Joe I love you." I said.

"Love you so much Gumdrop." He says. Mikey was ooing after I put down the phone. I punched him in the arm.

"Your going to get us into a car crash Rivon." He jokes.

"Thanks Mikey for picking me up." I said.

"No problemo." He says. "I get treated with a free dinner anyway." I laughed. When he dropped me off at my apartment the guy at the front desk had something for me.

"Ms. Rivon someone has dropped this off for you." He says handing me a box of chocolates. I look for a note or something.

"Do you know gave it to me?" I asked.

"It was that handsome guy who comes around here all the time?" Was he talking about Joe?

"Joe?"I asked.

"No no. The guy with the accent." Sebastian.

"Oh ok I'll be going up now. Thank you for holding on it." I said.

"No problems. Would you like me to help you with your bags?" He asked.

"It's alright." I said. Once I was inside my apartment I put the chocolates down. Sebastian please don't do this. I called him and after the first ring he picked up.

"Hi." He says.

"Sebastian why did you give me chocolates?" I asked.

"Maria wanted to give those to you so she asked me." He explained. Maybe I jumped to conclusions.

"Oh okay. Well tell her I said thank you and I'm very excited to see her tomorrow." I said.

"I'll tell her." He hangs up. Well that must be the most embarrassing thing I have ever done. I collapse on the sofa and tired.

I wake up with a jolt. Oh crap. I look at the time. My interview is in 20 minutes. I get up and went straight to the bathroom to straighten myself out. I went through my closest rummaging through my clothes to find a decent outfit. I choose a black maxi dress with the thin straps making an X on my back. I put on some sandals. My hair was in a wavy bob and I grabbed the smallest bag I could find to fit my phone and my cash in there. I was rushing to get to the place Maria wants to do her interview. Some high end cafe and I almost got lost looking for it. I looked through the window. There was small tables set up and everything was black and white. I got in Maria waved at me. She was a gorgeous blonde with really read lipstick and shocking blue eyes. The name doesn't really fit. "Oh my gosh it's finally so wonderful to meet you. This is such a happy moment for me. God you look stunning." She gives me a kiss on one check and then another.

"Thank you. You look wonderful yourself." She was wearing a leather top and white jeans.

"Sit sit. I'm so ready to interview. It's so great to meet new designers." She pats my hand.

"I just want to thank you for the chocolates again." I smiled. Maria looked so confused.

"Chocolates. What chocolates?" She tilts her head to the side.

"Oh my mistake I'm sorry. I've been trying to find out who sent me a box. I thought it was you." I shake my thought away from Sebastian.

"It's alright." She smiles and pats my hand. "So let's talk." It was like a normal conversation. She asked me where I was from. How was I inspired to get into fashion. Most memorable time while working in the fashion industry. The friends I've made during my days as a designer. The projects I have done. What other goals do I have. Then we got into personal things and life. I smiled when she brought up Joe. I told her some stories and enjoyed opening up. I was so excited to read how all this turned out. At the end Maria thanked me so much for joining her and she told me that the photoshoot will be tomorrow. I nodded and we both said our goodbyes. Well that wasn't to bad. That was the best thing ever. What really bummed me out was that Sebastian lied to me. I pushed it out of my thoughts though and I just wanted to go talk to Joe.

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