Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Joe was showing a little frustration back at the apartment. He kicks aside our moving boxes, opens and heavily closes cabinet doors, and I hear him grunt at times. I tried to not notice but I had to do something. "Did I do something wrong?" I stood by the sofa holding my wrist. Joe was flipping through channels.

"No." He says and I stood still. I see him look at me and he opens out his hand. "Come here." I sat next to him and he kissed my hair.

"Will you tell me what's wrong?" I stroked his chin and he closed his eyes.

"I'm fine." He pulls me closer to his chest. "Don't worry about me." I felt his chest rising slowly and the soft delicate brush of his fingers through my hair. I looked up and kissed him. A small quirk went on the side of his lips. I get up from the sofa and Joe's hands slip away from my arms.

"I'll just get ready for bed." I said.

"I'll be right there." He says and he returns on randomly flipping through channels. I was walking back to our room when I was passed my workroom. The door was opened and I left it close because all my work equipment from Ilani's boutique was in there. After Joe and I move into my place this whole side of my apartment will me my studio. Ilani's boutique will have a second floor now. I walked in and I found that my mannequins had been moved to the back and the ones with finish garments were displayed by the window. I always kept track of when I made my garments and usually I have little note cards pinned to the mannequin. The name of the line, my client, or the name of the design. There was five mannequins that were dressed in the garments Sebastian and I made. I stared at them and before I knew if I was carting away all five of them in the closet. The memories they throw back at me. I was leaving the workroom and Joe was just walking in the hall. He saw my dazed face and I didn't realize it but he takes my hand. "Let's go to bed." He smiles putting his arm around my shoulder. I sat down on our bed as soon as I walked in taking the bag of books and emptied it there. Joe takes off his shirt and looks at me from the corner of his eye.

"I get excited when I get new books." I clasped my hands together. He pulls on some flannel pajamas and a black thermal long sleeve shirt.

"I find it quite attractive." He takes my chin as he sat down beside me. I smiled and he kissed me. I pinched his arm and I hear a low laugh erupted from his throat.

"I know what your doing." I said pulling away from him.

"What?" He raised both his hands. I laughed at his guilty expression.

"You know what the doctor said." I kicked off my boots and pulled out of my jeans. Joe watched me from the bed.

"Did you know your looking even hotter than ever?" He says.

"Oh here we go." I said and threw my jeans at him.

"No seriously." He says and grabs my arm.

"Joe." I laughed as he kissed the front of my thighs.

"I'm kidding." He says laying back down. "This will be the death of me." I changed into my pajamas. I sat next to him and I flipped through my books. From behind I could feel him stroke my hair. He moved his leg in a left right motion and I watched it. I held it for a few seconds he stops and I let go. He does it again and I looked back at him. Joe had one hand behind his head and the other one caressing my hair. He was looking intently at me and it changed to a soft gaze.

"Would you read for me?" I held up the baby book I got and Joe laughs before taking the book from my hand. He pulled me back against him and placed his hand on my stomach.

"Anything you want princess." He kissed my ear and opened the book to the front page.

"Listen to daddy." I said to my tummy and Joe strokes it's gently. He started reading and I couldn't help but smile. Joe was so into it and he kept looking down at my tummy often. I kissed his cheek and laid my head on his chest. I loved the story and I thought it was adorable. Joe puts the books aside and he kissed my hair.

"Thanks Joe for reading it for us." I smiled up at him.

"Your welcome my love." He takes my chin and kissed me gently. I reached over and turned off the lamp. We both laid down with my chin on his shoulder and he was looking up at my lanterns hanging from the ceiling. I stroked his jawline with my fingertips.

"Joe?" I looked up and he opens his eyes.

"Yes baby?" He takes my hand and placed it over his heart.

"You know I love you so much right." I put my hand on his cheek.

"Of course I do." He leans down and kisses me. "I love you so much too." I snuggled into his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me.

* * *

I woke up to Joe walking around in the room. His eyes fell on me as I sat up on the bed. "Morning Gumdrop." He puts aside the phone. I reached out my arms to him and he takes my hands. "Guess what?" He smiles kissing my forehead. I grinned up at him.

"What?" I wrapped my arms around him.

"We're moving." He kissed me and I pulled away from him.

"Wait what? Moving I thought we'll do that when we come back from the honeymoon." I looked up at him.

"I should have worded it correctly. Our stuff is being moved." He strokes my cheek.

"Should I worry about anything?" I felt him move a little closer to me.

"Nothing at all. Just the furniture and the boxes so we got that all cleared. We'll bring the other things tomorrow." He pulls the blanket around me. "Are you still tired?"

"No I'm actually good." I kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly. "I can't wait to see our new apartment after it's set up and everything."

Ilani decided to help with the organizing of the boxes while I was upstairs looking through in closed boxes. "Hey. Are these heavy?" Points to a box on the table.

"I don't think so." I looked into it and found my older sketchbooks.

"By the way Joe is like so excited for this move. Can't stop talking about. I think finally he has you all for himself."She elbows me. I laughed and I taped the box close.

"I'm excited too." I took some books off my shelf.

"Jojo told me Joe was so close on taking you to LA with him when he found out Sebastian came back from Italy." She helps me put some books in another box.

"Really?" I said.

"It made realize how serious Joe is about you. Honestly I can see how jealous he gets when it comes to Sebastian. You don't want that Anne. Now that you two see each other quite often." She carefully puts another row of books in the box. I looked at the others stacked up together. "Especially now he's your husband and your going to have a child. He'll be a hawk watching over every little thing. I know it makes him sounds a little obsessive but hey he doesn't want to loose you again." I nod and put one of the books Joe has bought me in my chest.

"I hope he knows that I really do love him. It worries me that maybe he thinks I don't." I watched as she sat crossed legged out the floor.

"He knows that you love him obviously. The thing is that Sebastian interferes and all your attention will be on him." She closes the box. I filled another one up.

"He has certain attention he needs and Joe has my devotion." I smiled at my rhyme.

"Ha alright. Really Anne you better watch out for Sebastian. You don't know what's up with him. One day he's Mr. Cool or next he'll be a freakin' ass." I laughed a little but stopped.

"When is he getting released?" I placed the roll of tape by the table to get a drink of water.

"I know tomorrow. Even though he'll still be visited by someone to see if he's doing alright. Keep him sobered up and free from any thoughts of suicide." Ilani looked at me seriously this time.

"Why has he attempted on anything?" I went rigid.

"No but you know he's depressed right now too so..." She looked over her shoulder.

"Exactly why I need too keep an eye out for him." I said.

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