Chapter 68

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Chapter 68
"Merry Christmas!" Joe wakes me up and I smiled rubbing my eyes. I sit up and my head hits something in his hand. I opened my eyes and I see him holding a mistletoe in between us. His eyes were sparkling with joy and I take his face and kissed him. He falls on me and we both laughed. I felt the fabric of his sweater as I caressed his arms.

"Merry Christmas love." I smiled and he sits up and show me his sweater.

"Horrific huh?" He chuckles and I glanced at the reindeer on the front rocking a Santa hat.

"It's actually really cute." I giggled and he gets up taking a sweater from out of the closet.

"This one is for you." He hold up a sweater similar to his but it's a gingerbread girl on the front. I laughed and got up walking over to him. I give him a peck on the cheek.

"It's adorable." I said. He takes out two smaller sweaters probably for Adrian and Gavin.

"Got these for the little nuggets." We walked to their room and I pull on the sweater and it was really warm. I hugged from behind and he pats my hands. We walked into the room and Gavin was already awake sitting up in his crib. When he saw us he smiled and raised his arms wanting to be carried.

"Merry Christmas munchkin." I smiled and carried him and Joe picked Adrian up. He opened his eyes and wrapped his stubby arms around his dad's neck. Joe hands me Gavin's sweater and it was identical to his and Adrian's sweater with the reindeer at the front. It was really cute. Adrian was laughing his adorable face was being kissed by Joe.

"They' ll love their gifts." Joe beams at me as I cradled Gavin.

"We can finally fill up their room." I smiled and Joe kissed my forehead.

* * *
That morning we brought the boys downstairs took some pictures since this was their first Christmas. I didn't want to open the gifts until we have gone to Christmas Mass. When we returned we changed back into our Christmas sweaters and dove into our presents. First we opened up Adrian and Gavin's gifts for them and the two little boys were so happy to see new toys and Gavin already started to bang the drums Joe had gotten him. Adrian was busy with his new canvas set that I had gotten him. All their other toys were on the sofa and scattered on the floor. "This is a lot of stuff." I said and Joe kissed my hair.

"It's alright let the boys have their fun with them." He says and I looked up at him.

"I have your present." I said and he smiles kissing me.

"Ooo I wonder what it is?" He says and I told him it was upstairs in my workroom. We brought the twins upstairs and I stood outside the door of my workroom.

"I hope you like it." I said.

"Anything you give me is perfect." Joe smiles looking at Gavin and Adrian. I couldn't help but blush and open the door. Joe's eyes widened when he saw the long line of mannequins.

"I made a collection just for you." I took a peek at his reaction. His lips formed into a smile.

"Just for me?" He says it like he doesn't believe me.

"Yes. I got your name embroidered in the inside of every garment." I smiled putting Adrian and Gavin down in small crib I put in here.

"I love you." Joe pulls me to him and kisses me. He smiles on my lips and he presses them harder against me.

"I love you Joe Merry Christmas." I pulled him over to look at the garments I made for him.

"How long did it take you to do all of this?" Joe smiles feeling the fabric.

"A few weeks." I bit my lip and he saw his name inside the clothes.

"I'm going to wear every single one of them to some event we go to. Show to the world how talented you are." He pulls me against him again kissing my ear. "I'll show you your presents." I smiled and he carried the boys.

"Not big right?" I said and he grins.

"Open the door to my studio." He says. When I did I saw a new sewing machine with a bow on top.

"Oh my gosh!" I said and he smiles.

"I know you needed a new one." He says I give him a kiss and he brought Adrian and Gavin to his favorite chair. As I examined the sewing machine felt Joe's hands graze my neck and I felt a cold pendant on my collar bone. "I got you a new necklace." I looked down at it and saw the shiny pearl.

"Another one?" I said and he laughs giving me a kiss.

"Oh and I have another gift to give you later on." He smiles. "We have to get ready before the party later on." Joe carries the twins and I held on the pearl pendant.

"Thank you so much Joe." I said and he leans forward. Gavin and Adrian were holding out their arms. We had this big group hug and Joe kisses my nose.

"I love you all." He says and I smile leaning on to his chest.

* * *
The house was packed with family. From the Jonases to the Rivons and everyone exchanged gifts and we all opened them together. It was quite fun and the little kids were all playing in the upstairs guest room. They were all done with opening their presents and Alena offered to watch over the twins. She has grown up so fast and she oldest out of all the kids. Joe had prepared the dinner table and Ilani was helping me with the food. "So what has Joe gotten you for Christmas?" Ilani asked as put the last tray of eggplant parmigiana on the counter.

"A new sewing machine and this necklace. Also he said he was giving me another gift" I showed her the necklace.

"Aww that's so pretty." She says.

"What did Jojo get you?" I asked and I see Joe through the crack of the door. He was making sure everything looked perfect at the dinner table.

"We're going to Amsterdam." She smiles.

"Ooo." I said and washed the used bowls.

"I wanna see your new sewing machine." She says and Joe comes in.

"Is this tray done?" Joe asked and I nodded. "Smells really good." I smiled. When Joe left Ilani elbowed me.

"I wonder what your next gift is?" She grins.

"I don't know." I said and she giggles. "I'll show you the sewing machine later." I hid my smiling face from her and I hear the doorbell ring. I wiped my hands on the apron I was wearing and went to go see who it was. Mikey and Kevin were already going down the stairs to open the door. Joe shows up and when the door opens Mikey went still and looked up to Joe.

"Sebastian?" Kevin says.

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