Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Sebastian came back a half hour later. He didn't look any different but I can see some happiness in his eyes. He was excited for something. We got ready for the fashion show Ilani was finally smiling and I tried putting on my black wedged booties while she talked about doing a whole livestream of the show. I agreed it would be a great idea and Sebastian called me back upstairs. I came up carefully because I didn't want to break a neck. Sebastian was holding up two different suit jackets. One was a grey one and the other one was green. "I'm not sure what to wear." He lifts and eyebrow. I smiled because he looked up at me now. "I don't like those shoes." I giggled and touched the suit jacket.

"Well this grey one matches with my outfit." I pointed down at my leather circle skirt, lace crop top, and toppling black wedged booties.

"Yea your right." I helped put it on him. One arm at a time and he smiled at me. "Did you make this entire outfit?"

"Not the shoes." I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Yea I'd be surprised." He turns around and kisses me. I smiled and went to get my bag.

"We have to get there soon." I nudged his shoulder as he looks at himself in the mirror.

"Hold on. I have to look my best for my sweetheart." His gaze lands on me in the reflection. I blush and carefully made my way down the stairs again. I hear him following me and Ilani quickly puts away her phone. I glance at her suspiciously but she doesn't see me.

* * *

The show was about to start I was getting the models ready while Sebastian was talking to some of the crew. This is not just my work but Sebastian's as well. We achieved it together. I was so excited because my family is here to see it. Sebastian told me about that. I kept looking at him and he doesn't look slightly nervous. I busied myself with the music playlist of the show and I looked to see the people sitting taking pictures. I couldn't believe acclaimed fashion designers, celebrities, famous models, and the media is here. Sebastian tapped my shoulder and he handed over one mike. He was holding one as well. "Are you ready?" I nodded and he lends me his arm and I take it. Squeezing it lightly and he kisses my cheek. We came out and I hear everyone cheering. Sebastian carefully leads me out and I see my family waving at me. I waved back. "Welcome everyone. It's been a while isn't it?" Sebastian says and I searched the faces. I saw Danielle and Kevin I waved at them. Ilani was sitting with Jojo on the other side of the runway. Right next to Ilani was the face I want to forget. Joe. He had a smile on his face when we had eye contact. "It's been such a blessing working with my beautiful girlfriend Anne." There was a collective gasps in the audiences. They were the ones that didn't know if it was a rumor. My parents didn't look so shocked. I've told them over them phone. Joe has a pained smile now.

"This collection we have created were inspired from each other's styles. He created the men's and I created the women's." I looked back to my parents and they were smiling." We aren't going to take more of time. Let's get this show started." I walked backstage with Sebastian.

"This is going to be great." Sebastian whispers as we stood in front of the tv screening the whole show. The first pair came out. This was Sebastian and I's favorite pieces. Everyone was awestruck and there was a lot of flashing cameras. Sebastian pulled me by his side and kissed my temple.

"I love how you told them to be synchronized." I watched how there feet moved at the same time. They were either holding hands or the guy has his arm around the girl. The camera showed the crowd and my parents looked so proud. I couldn't contain my happiness I hugged Sebastian and kissed him. When all the models came back in we had to do one final walk with everyone. Sebastian took my hand and we were at the end of the line. The two models in front of us were wearing our special designs. The girl was wearing a peach colored ball gown and the guy was wearing a very tailored and sleek suit. As we showed our selves again everyone was cheering I gave a flying kiss to my parents. Ilani was giving me a two thumbs up. Dani and Kevin wear clapping. I saw Joe mouth 'That was amazing.' I tried to smile but Sebastian took my hand and kissed the top of it. More cameras flashed. All the 60 garments were shown. Both Sebastian and I's combined. I have never been so proud. I had to speak to few friends before my family found me. When I did I saw Joe wandering around until Ilani pointed over to me.

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