Chapter 2 : The Life of a Prisoner

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St. Peter Orphanage in Combe Martin, North Devon, in Celestia's, and quite a few other prisoners' opinions was the worst place one could ask for to be left at.

One wouldn't wish their worst enemy to land themselves in it.

On the outside, it was your normal Orphanage.

Kids happily running around, playing with each other, and hopefully watching whenever someone decided to pay a visit........

But hidden, far underground were the Cells and Labs of the Scientists and their prisoners.

The Prisoners had been shipped or sold from all over the world, and all of them have different personalities and looks.....

Yet all had two things in common.

One, the numbers burned into their wrists upon arrival at St. Peter.........

And Two, they all had Magic running through their Veins.

You see, these Scientists were by all means no good people.

They had spent countless hours trying to get as much information about Magic as they could from their Prisoners, and by trying to get out they meant torture.

Many of the Witches and Wizards Celestia had grown up learning from had already been killed because they could no longer fight.

Their Magic had tried its best to heal them, but even Magic held no chance against constant Internal Bleeding, broken bones, and organ failure.

After six years of living there and constantly getting Experimented on, only nine of them were left alive, Celestia included.

Celestia was a quiet, yet polite child, having been taught by those who were left everything there was to know about Magic.

Esmeralda, a Voodoo witch from a country in sub-Saharan Africa named Wakanda had even removed the Soul piece of Lord Voldemort from her and kept it in a Sealed Cauldron for her.

The others pretended they hadn't seen her laugh like a maniac as she taunted the Soul-fragment that day.

But that was beside the point.

Celestia was by the outside looks of it a healthy though a slightly frail child, her white hair now reaching her mid-back, and her skin extremely pale because she hadn't seen the sun for almost six years.

Unlike the others, the Scientists did not torture her.

Well......Not to the same extent, at least.

She was, after all, their most prized Experiment.

A child whose IQ was measured at 203 and had a significant amount of potential towards the Magical aspect of the world.

They even allowed her to build things with some leftover parts for machines.

Naive and not very thought-through was what Celestia had thought the first time they had said it.

,, Good morning, Chrome." She greeted, smiling the tiniest bit as she crouched down, picking the Niffler up.

Like most Magical beings at St. Peter's Chrome had been brought here to be an experimented on, though like other Harbivours he lived in the underground Greenhouse which they were currently in.

He went up to her arm, sitting down on her shoulder and watching as she made her way further inside towards her own little make-shift Lab.

On their way, they passed their oldest group member, Matsugoro Yamada, an Ex-Auror who had fought in many of the Wizarding Wars, some of them so long ago that even her Great-Great-Grandfather Gellert Grindelwald hadn't been alive at the time.

,, Celestia, off to work I see." He greeted, his tired and battered body doing nothing to hide his smile.

,, Yes, Sir." She replied, furrowing her brows slightly as he ruffled her hair.

,, Be careful, wouldn't want the No-Majes to get suspicious, would we ?" He asked, dropping his hand and letting her go with the words. ,, By the way, Joan will probably get you in two hours so you can continue your lessons."

The girl nodded, walking away.

Joan was another prisoner, who had specialized in the History of Magic, and Arithmancy, and had been a student at Beauxbaton Academy of Magic.

For a while she had even worked as a historian, employed by the french Ministry. But she was captured by a group of witch hunters and sold to the facility they were residing in before she published any of her work.

A true shame, since she was not only a very nice woman in general, but also was one of the most intelligent people that had managed to survive...... until now that was.

She had been growing weaker these past few months....

Celestia already knew she only had less than two months to left to live, before she would be buried at the cemetery at the Edge of the forest behind the Orphanage.

One might ask how it was possible for her to know about this...

But it was rather easy, for Celestia had been born with the gift passed directly to her through her blood-line.

She was both a Legilimens and a Seer.

Not only was she able to hear the thoughts, and take a peek into the minds of others, but she was also constantly plagued by visions of the future, some of them vivid images while others were a mess of jumbled words and riddles.

Whoever of the gods had decided to bestow her with both of these gifts at ones deserved to swallow a bucket of poison in her humble opinion.

The combination of being made to gaze into the future while her mind was filled of thoughts of the present often made her throw up blood or just ill.

Both not a good thing to happen when stuck as a prisoner under the fiddle of a group of lunatics that couldn't care less if you died or lived.


Celestia, now eight years of age silently watched as Sai's body was dragged out of their shared cell.

He hadn't been able to recover from the last session of torture he had been made to go through, and while Celestia had tried her hardest to heal him or at least patch him up to the best of her abilities, his body was simply too weak to continue on....

With no more energy to continue with their harsh reality, he had insisted on tucking the young girl into bed and covered her in Joan's old blanket that had a sun and star pattern on it, before laying down and closing his eyes for the last time.

With his death, Celestia was now officially the last survivor of St. Peter facility......

She waited until they had all left, locking all the doors again, before she made her way to the cell door that belonged to theirs, Joan's blanket still wrapped around her shoulders.

Reading over the last two name plates screwed onto the rusty iron door she let her scarred fingers glide over Sai's, feeling an all too familiar tug on her heart that had long since become her sole companion in life.

The pain of loosing someone was growing duller with each person that she was made to let go off. Her heart just couldn't handle anymore grief......

Slowly she let her hand return to her side, before reaching for the screwdriver she always carried within the pockets of her dresses and began screwing the plate off.

Once done she gave it a harsh tug, letting it fall into her hand, and quickly made her way towards the Greenhouse.

Chrome spotted the Plate and climbed up her leg and back to reach her shoulder, a sad noise leaving his snout.

She wordlessly crouched down in front of a flower bed, placing it down on the bit of space that was freed from the Spider Lillies planted there, next to the others...

Sai Devi: Experiment Number : 78260

Joan De La Fontaine: Experiment Number : 49143

Katherine Curie: Experiment Number : 38025

Nefertari Kotb : Experiment Number : 18921

Matsugoro Yamada: Experiment Number : 00218

Esmeralda Ajaruva White: Experiment Number : 66666

Camila Valentina Abades : Experiment Number : 48393

Niamh O'Sullivan: Experiment Number : 67071

The girl's hand went to the Pendant of her necklace, the Stone glowing faintly as it came into contact with her skin.....

,, He was right, wasn't he, Chrome ?" She asked, eyes remaining on the names of her deceased teachers, friends and companions. ,, Once we walk down a path, we no longer will be able to change our fate.."

Chrome nuzzled his snout against her cheek, the young girl smiling the tiniest bit at the Niffler's effort to comfort her.

She brought a hand to his head, gently petting it. ,, Thanks, buddy..."

Her eyes then went to the Cauldron Esmeralda had sealed Voldemort's Soul Fragment in, which currently acted as somewhat of a desk for Garden tools...........

Chrome followed her gaze, jumping off of her shoulder towards the desk and sniffing it, as Celestia stood up and made her way over.

She let her hand trace along with the Magical signature of both Voldemort and Esmeralda, her eyes wandering to her journal sitting on her workplace and then back to the Cauldron.....

,, What do you think, Chrome ?" She asked, turning to him, the Niffler now focusing on her. ,, Should we try to give Mr. Riddle's Soul Fragment a new usage ?"

He gave a huff of approval, crossing his tiny arms, seemingly turning on his professional work attitude.

They were mostly doing this to distract themselves from the fact that they were now alone....

But neither wanted to wallow in pity, nor did they want to be stuck mourning for long when death lingered in every corner of this wretched place.

She gave a small smile, using Magic to make a pen write everything down for her in ancient greek as she tied her hair into a braid. ,, Let project Artificial Intelligence begin."


Years later as Harry Potter received his Hogwarts Acceptance Letter and celebrated with his loving parents and friends, the Head of the Ravenclaw House made his way to deliver another Letter.

He stood in the middle of a Graveyard, a Downcast look on his face as he spotted the many Magical signatures surrounding him..

This was with no doubt a Graveyard for Witches and Wizards.........

Though he would have liked to know how it was possible for so many to be in a single place, he did not wish to know who was responsible for these deaths....

Suddenly hearing footsteps walking towards him he turned around, spotting a beautiful little girl, who by her appearance alone could easily be made out to be Gellert Grindelwald's Grandchild, making her way to him..

Silver-white hair, which was neatly braided and adorned with Charms, Bi-colored eyes just like he had, and an Aura that could both repell and draw in others.

Filius suspected that the fact that she had Veela blood in her may have added to the general appearence she gave off.

The only thing that didn't quite match with the image in his head was the fact that a Niffler was sitting on her shoulder, holding onto a Bouquet of Spider Lilies with his paws.

She noticed him seconds later, tilting her head, before letting her eyes focus on something else, not comfortable with remaining eye contact for too long.

He offered a kind smile directed at her. ,, Hello, my dear." He greeted.

,, Hello.." She replied, stopping next to him by the Grave.

,, Do you visit them often ?" He asked, watching her replace the dried flowers with new ones.

,, As often as I'm allowed to be out... People tend to mark me as rather weird or simply annoying, which is why I mostly stay inside in the company of books and plants." Chrome gave her an offended look at which she smiled in apology, scratching his chin. ,, And of course, Chrome, who never strays too far from my side."

Filius had a feeling that a mini version of Newt Scamander was standing next to him, a thought that made him smile slightly.

,, A Niffler.. quite the tricky little Creatures. I assume the name comes with a rather interesting story * Chuckle *" Celestia gave a small chuckle as well, nodding.

,, One of the witches who taught me liked to wear Chrome earrings. Whenever he spotted them he tried to snatch them one way or another." She said, remembering how he once tackled poor Camila in the middle of the Greenhouse and made her fall into a Bed of Flowers.

Niamh and Celestia had laughed, only to be dragged down into the dirt by a smirking Camila.

The Professor nodded, offering her a sad smile. ,, I'm sure they were lovely people."

Celestia nodded in confirmation, standing back up and turning around.

Filius took that as a sign to follow her and did.

To his slight surprise, they went underground, a large number of rooms and other things present.

She led him further in. ,, Tom, can you prepare Tea ?"

,, Already on it, little one." A smooth voice replied, Filius being left confused as he was under the impression that they were alone.

She took a seat on one of the sofas and then turned to Filius. ,, Please take a seat, Professor."

He sat down the opposite of her, not questioning how she already knew about his profession or why she willingly told him that a Witch had taught her.

After all, the girl was the great-great-granddaughter of Gellert Grindelwald, a recognized Seer, who, unlike some who claimed to have such a gift yet never saw their predictions come true, often let others view his Visions, broadcasting them to all those who wished to follow him.

A dangerous Wizard, with enough Charm to  convince a majority of Europe that what he was doing was for the better good of all, and a gift so rare and powerful it was no wonder he aquired such a large following.

He looked around, spotting the many books and plants as well as the different Blue-Prints of different machines and little Gadgets the girl no doubt had come up with over the years.

By how she was acting and her interests he could already see her as a prime candidate for his House.

,, Here is your Tea." Filius widened his eyes in surprise when a Hologram of a Fox, dressed in a suit came inside the room, carrying two Tea Cups, before setting them down at the table and making his way out of the room.

,, He's an Artificial Intelligence I created.... " Celestia told him, taking a sip of her Tea that had a suspiciously dark purple color.

,, Artificial Inteligence ?" He repeated, his Ravenclaw interest peaked at the possibility of learning something new.

,, A.I for short... A Program that gives machines the same Intelligence as a human. No-Majes have come very far with their technology, Professor.." She told him, the smile on her face telling him all he needed to know.

Smiling himself, he took a sip of his Tea, mint and lemongrass flavored, before taking the very thing he came for out of his pocket. ,, I believe you have already seen what I came here for, Miss Strange."

She nodded, slightly sheepish since she hadn't talked to another human for quite some time...

Not since Tom arrived....

And he couldn't exactly be categorized as a 'human'.

He gave her the Letter, her name and address neatly written on the back.

Mrs. C. Grindelwald-Strange

St. Peter Orphanage Graveyard, Combe Martin,

North Devon,


,, You have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. I am, as you probably already are aware, Head of the House Ravenclaw and was sent to take you on your first trip to Diagon Alley." He told her, watching her open the Letter and reading through its context.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,
Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Grindelwald-Strange,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all the necessary books and equipment.
The term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress


First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.

All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)
by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic
by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory
by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions
by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
by Quentin Trimble

1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set of glass or crystal vials
1 telescope
1 set of brass scales
Students may also bring if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.


Yours sincerely,
Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus
Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

She gave a hum, Chrome laying down on her head to take a good look at it as well.

Filius had to hide a chuckle at the sight they made.

Her eyes then went to him. ,, Will we leave now?"

He nodded, standing up.


When they arrived at the Leaky Cauldron Celestia simply observed everything, Chrome sticking his head out of her white dress pocket to do the same.

,, The first stop you will make is Gringott's, the Wizarding Bank which is controlled by the Goblins." Tom said, the girl's contact lenses with the A.I's program on it giving her the perfect opportunity to analyze their surroundings.

Sure, the Head of Ravenclaw was with her and could show her around, but she also wanted insight on everything there was to gather from Diagon Alley.

And who would be better at such a task than the memory of a man who not only worked there in his youth but also knew of every business detail thanks to his works in politics?

When they reached the entrance, a brick Wall, the owner Tom was leaning against it, offering them a kind smile. ,, Good day, Professor. Showing the new First year around ?"

,, You could say that, Tom." Filius replied, turning to Celestia. ,, Remember the pattern, Miss Grindelwald. With it, you will be able to enter Diagon Alley without the need of an adult in the future."

,, You'll be able to Apparate inside once your Magic has made contact with the Wards." Tom added, the girl noticing how the male Wizard's smile had turned slightly stiff and nervous after he heard her Lastname.

She didn't even need to use her Legilimens ability to know what he was thinking.

A child of a family constisting of Dark Mages and lunatics who had the habit of going on killing sprees and torturing everyone and everything that stood in their path...

,, Yes Sir." replied the girl, looking at the wall.

Tom tapped specific bricks with the tip of his Wand and the Wall began to move, creating the entrance to Diagon Alley.

Filius smiled at the girl. ,, Welcome to Diagon Alley, Miss Grindelwald."

Chrome no doubt by now was already planning on how to exectue absolute havoc, so she silently pushed him further into her pocket, knowing the Niffler would cause them a lot of problems if he escaped or would be seen.

They took their first step inside, but before they fully disappeared the girl turned back to Tom, offering a polite smile. ,, Thank you, have a good day, Sir." and with a small bow she quickly caught up with the Charms Professor, leaving a stunned, yet smiling Bar owner behind.

As soon as she had caught up, Filius turned to her. ,, Our first stop will be Gringott's the Wizarding Bank, where you will be able to grant access to your Trust Vault."

,, They will ask for a Blood Test to confirm your identity since Dumbledore has your Key. Make sure the professor doesn't see the outcome and request to speak with the Grindelwald Account Manager but do not make it sound obvious that you know." She gave a nod, not happy that Dumbledore had the Key to her Vault....

She did not like thinking about that senile old man being in control of her money or her Family's Seats in the Wizengamot..

They soon reached the white Marble building, reading the warning above.

Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed,
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn,
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there.

She found it rather clever, the Goblins were one of the most Intelligent Creatures on Earth, yet they were looked down upon by Wizards who foolishly believe them Inferior.

It seemed like they forgot who exactly was in charge of their money.

The girl bowed to the two Goblin Guards, while the Professor nodded his head, before entering.

They opened their eyes wide in surprise, not having expected to be greeted by the small Witch, while Filius's eyes shined with approval, now hoping the girl would be sorted into his house.

Celestia's eyes wandered around, this being the very first time she had ever seen anything as grand as this besides her own prison and the woods of the National Park near it....

She stopped at the same time as Filius, letting her eyes wander to the Teller Goblin, giving a polite smile in greeting, before looking away again.

,, Good meet, Miss Grindelwald would like access to her trust Vault please." Filius said, the Goblin shooting him an unimpressed glare before his eyes wandered to the girl next to him.

,, And does Lady Grindelwald have her Key ?" He asked, at which she turned back to him, sadly shaking her head, but before he could say anything that would no doubt cause suspicion later on she said. ,, One of the Witches who raised me, Esmeralda A. White, told me to mention that my Key has been in the care of a man named Albus Dumbledore, who I was today made aware of is the Headmaster of Hogwarts, which is why I would like to request speaking with the Grindelwald account Manager if one should exist."

,, Esmeralda White ?" The Goblin narrowed his eyes at her.

,, Good, now show him." Tom ordered.

Celestia took Chrome out of her pocket, setting him down in front of the Goblin, who curiously watched together with the Head of Ravenclaw what would happen next.

,, Chrome, can you hand him Esmeralda's Ring ?" She asked the Niffler huffing, crossing his tiny arms. ,, I promise the kind man will give it right back to you after he has looked it over."

He eyed the Goblin warily, his eyes going back and forth between Celestia and the Goblin, before he finally stuck his paw in his pockets, looking less than pleased.

The Goblins around were in shock, a Niffler willingly giving away one of its stored items? It was unheard of!

He handed the Goblin the Emerald ring, turning his head away with his arms still crossed and snout in the air as he made displeased noises.

The Goblin took the ring, and pressed it on a stone, which turned green at contact.

He nodded, handing the ring back to Chrome, who immediately snatched it from the Goblin's hands and stuffed it back into his pockets. ,, Celestia Grindelwald, you will be taken to the Grindelwald Account Manager, Klinge shortly."

She gave a nod, carrying Chrome as she followed the Goblin. ,, My Apologies for making this visit so long, Professor."

Filius smiled. ,, No need to Apologize, my dear, after all, I myself did not know Dumbledore held your Vault Key." He really needed to scold the old man for forgetting to give it to him once he returned.. ,, I will not be able to go inside with you since this concerns your family's matters and secrets, so if you have any sort of question don't hesitate to ask Teller Klinge."

She nodded, her eyes briefly flashing Gold without anyone noticing....

After all, nobody needed to know that she was letting her Magic seep through the inside of Gringott's, letting the information return to Tom who continued her Map in his materialized form at her Workplace.

Chrome, if human, would probably by now have given a loud impressed whistle, his paws longingly reaching for the different Goblin-crafted items on their way to Klinge.


Celestia sat in front of an older Goblin, Chrome on her lap.

Her Account Manager Klinge, as she had learned had been in charge of her family's finances and other matters for a very, very long time.

So long in fact that he was given a Special Ring, that only the most trusted allies of the Grindelwald family were allowed to wear.

,, May your enemies lay Dead beneath your feet, Teller Klinge." She greeted, the Goblin giving a sharp smile, that showed all of his teeth.

,, And may your Gold forever Flow, Lady Grindelwald. You have been able to trick both one of the best duellers of the Wizarding World and one of our own Tellers by making them believe you know not as much about the Wizarding World as you actually do.. I'm highly impressed yet not surprised-" He looked at her Bi-colored eyes, the sight alone making him remember a young Theseus Grindelwald sitting in front of him, with the same look in them..

The look of a child that knew and experienced more than most Wizards who claimed to have seen all the horrors the world had to offer after leaving for battle or war. ,, After all, you are Theseus's granddaughter. The man who was known as the most dangerous Politician and Wizengamot Member of his Time."

He grabbed a piece of Parchment from one of his desk drawers, with a Dagger and placed them in front of her. ,, Seven drops of your blood will give us all the answers you seek."

She nodded, taking the Dagger into her hand, and cut her finger, letting the blood fall on the parchment.

It didn't even take a whole minute until it was complete.

Name : Celestia Morgana Aurora Grindelwald

Muggle Name : Celestia Morgana Aurora Strange

Born: Celestia Grindelwald, 12 December 1998, Islington, London, England, Great Britain

Gender: Female

Status: Half-Blood

Nationality: German/Korean

Residence: St. Peter Orphanage, Combe Martin, North Devon, UK


• Eliza Charlotte Hebe Grindelwald { Mother / Deceased }

• Unknown Strange { Biological Father / Status Unknown }

• James Fleamont Potter { Maternal Uncle / Alive }

• Lily J. Potter née Evans { Maternal Aunt-in-law / Alive }

• Harry James Potter { Maternal older cousin / Alive }

• Violet Aurora Persephone Grindelwald { Maternal Aunt / Deceased }

• Theseus Apollo Owen Grindelwald { Maternal Biological Grandfather / Deceased }

• Ye-eun Grindelwald née Le Fay { Maternal Biological Grandmother / Deceased }

• Dorea Potter née Black { Maternal Grandmother / Deceased }

• Charlus Potter { Maternal Grandfather / Deceased }

• Newton Artemis Fido " Newt " Scamander { Maternal Great-Grandfather / Alive }

• Amaterasu Megumi Ava Grindelwald { Maternal Great-Grandmother / Deceased }

• Gellert Grindelwald { Maternal Great-Great-Grandfather / Alive / Imprisoned }

• Sarah Hariti Violet Grindelwald née Black-Raven { Maternal Great-Great-Grandmother / Deceased }

• Narcissa Malfoy née Black { Maternal Aunt / Alive }

• Lucius Abraxas Malfoy { Maternal Uncle-in-Law / Alive }

• Draco Lucius Malfoy { Maternal Cousin / Alive }

• Rodolphus Lestrange { Maternal Uncle-in-law / Alive / Imprisoned }

• Bellatrix Druella Lestrange née Black { Maternal Aunt / Alive / Imprisoned }

• Rabastan Lestrange { Maternal Uncle-in-law / Alive / Imprisoned }

• Andromeda Tonks née Black { Maternal Aunt / Alive / Disowned }

• Edward Tonks { Maternal Uncle-in-Law / Deceased }

• Nymphadora Tonks { Maternal Cousin / Alive / Disowned }

• Lestrange Family

• Malfoy Family

• Xavier Pendragon { Ancestor }

• Eve Pendragon { Ancestor }

• Arthur Pendragon { Ancestor }

• Morgan Le Fay { Ancestor }

• Merlin { Ancestor }

Godmother ( s ) :

• Bellatrix Druella Lestrange née Black

• Narcissa Malfoy née Black

Godfather ( s ) :

• Rabastan Lestrange

• Rodolphus Lestrange

• Bartemius " Barty " Crouch Jr.

Magical Guardian:
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore ( ILLEGAL )

Title ( s ) :

• Princess of Camelot

• Princess of Avalon

Lady to the most ancient and most noble house of Le Fay ( Through Mother ): ,, Unam Tantum debet dominamini " ~ Only one must Rule ~

• Lady to the most ancient and most noble house of Pendragon ( Through Mother ): ,, Te ipsum cognosce sicut inimicum tuum facis" ~ Know thyself as well as you do your Enemy ~

• Lady to the most ancient and prestigious house of Slytherin ( Through Father / Squib Line ): ,, Serpens Mordeat " ~ Snake Bite ~

• Lady to the most ancient and prestigious house of Hufflepuff ( Through Mother ) : ,, Fides enim est animi " ~ Loyalty for the kind-hearted ~

• Lady to the most ancient and prestigious house of Ravenclaw ( Through Mother ): ,, Et tantum superesse Argutus " ~ Only the Intelligent Survive ~

• Lady to the most ancient and prestigious house of Gryffindor ( Through Father / Squib Line ) : ,, Leo rugiet " ~ Lion Roar ~

• Lady to the most ancient and most noble house of Gaunt ( Through Father  / Squib Line ) : ,, Pura Sanguis " ~ Pure Blood ~

Lady to the most ancient and most noble house of Grindelwald ( Through Mother ) : ,, Auge um Auge und Zahn um Zahn " ~ An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth ~

Heiress to the most ancient and most noble house of Black ( Through Mother ) : ,, Toujours Pur " ~ Always Pure ~

Heiress to the most ancient and most noble house of Lestrange ( Through Godfather ) : ,, Corvus oculum corvi non eruit " ~ A crow will not pull out the eye of another crow ~

Heiress to the most ancient and most noble house of Crouch ( Through Godfather ) : ,, Patet mente. Pura sanguine " ~ Clear mind. Pure Blood ~

Species: • Half - Veela

Vaults :

Pendragon: 767. 823. 712. 954 Gold, 761. 192. 877 Silver, 91. 375. 832 Sickles, Knight Armors, King Arthur and Xavier's Swords Excalibur and Night Shade, King Xavier's Wand, Portraits of King Arthur and King Xavier, Bewitched Items, Books concerning Duelling, Politics, and Potions, Weapons used by the Royal Family, Dragon, Basilisk and Salamander Scales, Thunderbird Feathers, Portrait of the Knights of Camelot

Le Fay: 231. 681. 479. 175 Gold, 167. 082. 567 Silver, 46. 129. 632 Sickles, The Wands of Queen Morgan, Eve and Merlin, Books concerning the Dark Arts and the Old ways, Potion Equipment, Merlin's Journal, A Map of Avalon, Morgan's Animagus Journal

Peverell: 1. 328. 249. 765 Gold, 269. 882. 128 Silver, 23. 156. 721 Sickles, Journals of the Brothers, Bewitched Objects, Books on Familiars and Transfiguration

Slytherin: 889. 785. 271 Gold, 983. 457 Silver, 38. 923 Sickles, Salazar Slytherin's Wand, Books concerning Parseltounge and Potions, Rare Potion Ingridiense, Basilisk Scales and Poison

Hufflepuff: 721. 244. 193 Gold, 279. 132 Silver, 20. 317 Sickles, Helga Hufflepuff's Wand, Books concerning Herbology and Charms, A Portrait of Helga Hufflepuff

Ravenclaw: 885. 919. 601 Gold, 212. 482 Silver, 21. 641 Sickles, Rowena Ravenclaw's Wand and Portrait, Books on all subjects, Floor Plan to Hogwarts, Rowena Ravenclaw's personal Journal

Gryffindor: 901. 204. 105 Gold, 120. 348 Silver, 9. 621 Sickles, Godric Gryffindor's Wand, Godric's Sword, Books concerning Duelling and Swordcraft

Gaunt: 5734 Gold, 1082 Silver, 20 Sickles, Books on Parseltounge and Demonic

Grindelwald: 282. 369. 841 Gold, 170. 362 Silver, 57. 892 Sickles, Gellert Grindelwald's skull-hookah, The Wills of Violet and Eliza Grindelwald, Theseus Grindelwald's Journal on Magical Creatures, Violet, Theseus, Ye-eun, Amaterasu, Sarah and Gellert Grindelwald's Wands, A Book filled with Family created Spells

Black: 312. 709. 267 Gold, 234. 816 Silver, 28. 163 Sickles, The Wills of Walburga and Orion Black, Wands of the Black Family, Portraits of past family members, Books concerning the Dark Arts and Family Magic

Lestrange: 298. 454. 978 Gold, 176. 849 Silver, 13. 213 Sickles, Helga Hufflepuff's Cup, Wands of the Lestrange Family, Books concerning the Dark Arts, Magical Jewelry

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