Chapter 22 : The Duelling Club

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The news that Colin Creevey had been attacked and was now lying as though dead in the hospital wing had spread through the entire school by Monday morning. The air was suddenly thick with rumor and suspicion. The first years were now moving around the castle in tight-knit groups, as though scared they would be attacked if they ventured forth alone.

Ginerva Weasley, who sat next to Colin Creevey in Charms, was distraught, but the twins were unable to get through to her, no matter how often they asked her to talk to them. Percy then finally told them he was going to write to Mrs. Weasley and tell her Ginny was having nightmares if she continued on like she was, the male at a loss at what to do.

Meanwhile, hidden from the teachers, a roaring trade in talismans, amulets, and other protective devices was sweeping the school. Neville Longbottom bought a large, evil-smelling green onion, a pointed purple crystal, and a rotting newt tail before the other Gryffindor boys pointed out that he was in no danger; he was a pure-blood, and therefore unlikely to be attacked.

"They went for Filch first," Neville said, his round face fearful. "And everyone knows I'm almost a Squib."

In the second week of December Professor McGonagall came around as usual, collecting names of those who would be staying at school for Christmas / Yule.

The twins had not put their names on it this year, having agreed to spend Yule with Celestia and Xavier at Pendragon castle, not knowing that there were some other visitors as well....

Percy had also been invited, but the male merrily shook his head, though he smiled at Celestia, thanking her and Apologizing, he had to study for his O.W.L.'s.

,, Mum won't be pleased about you going, but Dad should be fine with it." Percy had said, remembering that their father was still very much embarrassed about having dragged Arcturus Black of all people into a Fist-Fight.


Potions lessons took place in one of the large dungeons. Thursday afternoon's lesson proceeded in the usual way. Twenty cauldrons stood steaming between the wooden desks, on which stood brass scales and jars of ingredients. Snape prowled through the fumes, making waspish remarks about the Gryffindors'work while the Slytherins sniggered appreciatively. Draco, who was Snape's favorite student, kept flicking puffer-fish eyes at Ronald and Harry, which made Regulus roll his eyes and remind his cousin to look at his Potion.

Regulus could not understand how Draco was still his usual self after Lucius had left with no other word after their Quidditch match.

The man wasn't disappointed about Gryffindor winning the match.....

He was disappointed in his son for behaving like he did on the field.

Taunting, unfocused, and arrogant.......

The Heir of the House of Black knew that the next time Father and Son met it would not be a pretty sight to witness.

,, Everything all right ?" Theo asked him, seeing his friend's usual quiet self-being even more quiet.

Regulus sighed, nodding........

He did not want to burden his friends with his family's problems....

Before Theo could press further Goyle's potion exploded, showering the whole class. People shrieked as splashes of the Swelling Solution hit them. Draco got a faceful and his nose began to swell like a balloon; Goyle blundered around, his hands over his eyes, which had expanded to the size of a dinner plate - Snape was trying to restore calm and find out what had happened.

Regulus himself hissed under his breath as he held his hand, which got burned by the potion instead of swelling it up.

,, Gah-!" Theo almost fell into his potion because both of his hands swelled up and distributed his weight, only saved by Regulus who held him back with his injured hand.

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