Chapter 79 : Suspicions and Apologies

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Celestia had not been jesting when she said she would hunt down her dearest cousin, the Slytherins watching with wide eyes as the half-Veela dragged Draco out of the common room by the ear, the boy scrambling with his words as he tried to keep up with her pace, not even trying to make her let him go.

,, What has he done this time?" asked Theo, boredly glancing after them, the rest of the students returning to their own doings after Regulus shot them a cold look.

Nobody dared to go against the male, knowing whoever did would find themselves in a dire situation quicker than they could utter a plea for help.....

,, Probably something to do with dear Rita's article from today's Daily Prophet..." replied Blaise, sticking one leg out as soon as he saw Draco's two little goons try and follow after them from the corner of his eye.

Crabbe and Goyle, as much as they held muscles sadly lacked the keen awareness of their surroundings that would have made them dangerous, and tripped over Blaise's leg and crumpled to the ground with loud groans of pain following their landing.

,, Pardon me," said Blaise, offering the two an obviously fake smile. ,, I accidentally stretched my leg a bit too far, I hope you didn't hurt yourselves too much?"

,, To hell with you Zab-Uff!" Goyle was interrupted by Regulus bringing his legs down on his back. Hard. To use him as a footrest for his expensive leather shoes.

,, Whoops." he exclaimed, stone-cold eyes and bored expression telling everyone that what he did was done deliberately and that he didn't feel even the slightest bit apologetic about it. ,, It seems I've mistaken you as my usual footrest..."

Crabbe was next, groaning in pain as Theo did the same to him, a cruel smirk playing on his lips, having seen him reach for his Wand. ,, Looks like I did too... Our sincerest apologies gentleman."

Still, both made no move to let them go or lift their feet from their backs, not pleased by the two fellow Slytherins who took a habit of playing Bodyguards for Draco.

,, Move your feet, Black! Nott!" they exclaimed red in the face as they saw some of the others glance at them and whisper, smirking.

It was no secret that Slytherins liked to exchange information between themselves, the more embarrassing or humiliating the better.

While they were all a House and had to stand as a united front they all knew keeping something like this in the back of their minds would help greatly later on in building up their political alliances....

And nobody wanted to be associated with two males who were known to be nothing but the source of amusement for the future Lords of noble Houses.

Blaise chuckled, leaning back in his chair as he stared them down. ,, Unfortunately for you, we can't exactly do that when you're planning to follow our Lady." a grin played on his lips. ,, She does not like for her time at work to be interrupted... And what the Lady wishes for, she will get."


,, Ouch! 'Tia! Ah! Cousin!" Draco yelped in pain, others watching as the Grindelwald Heiress dragged the Slytherin towards the grounds by the ear, ignoring those present as she continued on her path.

, I hope he's in his hut..' thought the half-Veela, walking down the fields, fewer and fewer students passing them as they did. , I'd rather not search all of the castle for him.'

It did not take long for them to arrive, the curtains were still drawn, and they could hear Fang barking as they approached.

She stopped at the front of his door, finally letting go of Draco who held his red ear and muttered Curses as the Ravenclaw began knocking loudly on the door.

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