Chapter 23 : The three uninvited Guests

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The double attack on Justin and Nearly Headless Nick turned what had been nervousness into a real panic. Curiously, it was Nearly Headless Nick's fate that seemed to worry people most. What could possibly do that to a ghost? people asked each other; what terrible power could harm someone who was already dead? There was almost a stampede to book seats on the Hogwarts Express so that students could go home for Yule.

Celestia, the twins, and Theo left Hogwarts while Regulus and Blaise remained there.

Even though it was dangerous they wanted to be able to report any strange happenings that could bring them closer to finding out what exactly lurked around the Chamber.....

Not to mention that Harry and his two little minions were behaving very suspiciously lately...

At last, the term ended, and a silence deep as the snow on the grounds descended on the castle. It was actually quite peaceful, especially with only Blaise, Draco, Pansy, Grabe, and Goyle being left in the Slytherin Dungeon.

Blaise and him often times could be found playing chess in the Common room, while they secretly talked with each other, comparing results of that day's happenings at Hogwarts.

There wasn't too much to do, which is why they were glad that their friends Owled them often.

The twins were having the time of their lives if the pictures of them, Theo and Celestia on a Muggle Christmas flair, said anything....

Regulus was often amused, Blaise finding it hilarious when Celestia had sent them a picture of the twins and Theo standing next to Gellert Grindelwald of all people.

The man looked highly amused, while the three boys looked about ready to faint, shaking from head to toe.

Christmas morning dawned, cold and white....

This meant the start of Yule, to which Blaise and Regulus woke up in their Dormitory alone, Draco having most likely spent his morning digging through his presents already.

They left their Dorm room, walking to the common room where Jasper already dutifully waited, many presents beneath his feet as the Owl glared at Draco, who no doubt had eyed them a little too long for his liking.

,, Good job, Jasper...." Regulus praised, the Owl pridefully puffing its chest out.

,, Have any of you seen where Grabbe and Goyle went? Parkinson's also missing." Draco suddenly asked them, making them turn to him.

,, Not that we would know of..." Blaise answered as Regulus shook his head.

Draco huffed, standing up and walking towards the entrance to the common room.

,, Where are you going ?" Blaise asked, fearing the blond would do something stupid.

,, Looking for them!" Draco called back, quickly leaving the Slytherin Dungeon, at which Regulus and Blaise sighed.


,, Let's forget about him...." Blaise said, clapping his hands as he looked at the presents. ,, It's time to open up presents!"

He quickly dived for one wrapped with Orange wrapping paper, a glittering Violet Bow on top of it.

Regulus took the one in his pile that looked identical to Blaises, though the colors were reversed and he was wrapped in Violet wrapping Paper with a glittering Orange Bow on top.

,, Obviously the twins..." Blaise muttered looking at the card attached to it, to see who it was from.

Happy Yule, hope you're still alive over there.

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