Chapter 104 : Games and Decisions

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Saturday morning approached faster than anyone could have expected, and with the sun starting to let its first rays greet the windows of Hogwarts, Celestia slowly felt herself waking up.

, .... No...... not yet.....' she inwardly grumbled to herself, burying her head further into the cool surface that was Regulus's chest as she tried to succumb to slumber once more.

Unfortunately, the half-Veela knew she was unable to fall back asleep once her mind began to register that a new day had come.

,, Good morrow, mon petit lapin...." greeted Regulus upon noticing her eyes fluttering open, his voice much deeper than usual, an indication that he had woken up only a short time before her.

,, Morgen Reg......" ( Mornin' Reg...) she replied, closing her eyes again, the Slytherin letting his fingers run through her white-silver curls absentmindedly as he observed her.

,, Did you have a good sleep?" he asked, his hand which was formerly resting on her waist traveling up to gently cup her cheek, slowly letting his thumb trace underneath her eye to help her rouse out of bed.

They had both gone to bed late last night, going over paperwork and finishing their homework, which had taken a while longer than usual because of Professor Vector's promise to make them regret thinking her class would ever be easy.

Regulus also had to go over the result of the tryouts with the other team members, leading to a heated discussion as to who would be the next Keeper when both choices were equal in strength and weaknesses, which took over a better part of three hours.

It was no wonder they had immediately fallen asleep as soon as their heads hit the beautifully soft pillows made out of the finest of silks in the Slytherin Dorms.

And the Slytherin was also not in the least surprised when his girlfriend refused to open her eyes, the half-Veela never having been a morning person, even if she made herself get out of bed most of the time.

,, ...I think so....." murmured the witch, letting her eyes open slightly, her own hand moving to grasp the locket she had gifted him several years back and which he hadn't taken off since. ,, ..... I had a nice dream........."

,, A nice dream?" repeated the teen, inwardly raising an eyebrow. Celestia was plagued with nightmares and visions most nights, to hear her say that she had a pleasant dream was certainly a first. ,, What was it about?"

,, .... They were all there....." she spoke, her mind struggling to come up with clear images. ,, .... Solomon, Ace, Hao, Beel and Azu......... we were sitting together watching the stars........."

,, Is that so..." he muttered, smiling the tiniest bit as he saw the enjoyment sparkling within her eyes, something that only ever came when she recalled a fond memory involving those five.

She always appeared more relaxed when remembering them, though a small tinge of sadness and bitterness clawed at her heart because of the lingering questions involving their well-being and whereabouts.

No one knew if they were dead, alive, or even still held in captivity, and it was a painful thing to bring up to the two members of their group who had found one another after almost a decade of believing the other to be gone.

,, That does sound like a nice dream." he said, gently moving the half-Veela off of him to sit up, a sigh leaving his lips as he felt her arms wrap around his waist in an effort to make him stay in bed with her.

,, 'Tia, my love, it's time to wake up, else we won't get anything done today." he told her, helping her sit up next to him.

,, Do we have to...?.." grumbled the witch, her chin resting on his shoulder as she looked up at him with her best attempt at persuasive eyes.

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