Chapter 64 : Aboard the Hogwart Express

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Celestia sat by the windows in her office, golden eyes staring at the Labyrinth near the castle, in the early hours of the morning, her hand clutching the Pendant of her necklace as she was visibly lost in thought.......

The half-veela was dressed entirely in black, the gown she was wearing easily describable as something one would wear to a funeral, her hair put up in a simple bun, and black kitten heels decorating her feet.

Blaise, upon returning from Italy had given them to her, saying that his mother and himself had picked out several heeled shoes in Italy for Susan, Hannah, herself, and the boys if they wanted to try some out.......

Since she didn't want to worry about accidentally Injurying herself when one of her Visions decided to hit her in the middle of the day, she decided it was best to start small, the kitten heels giving her only a slight boost in height, while also remaining safe enough for her to use every day.

Still, her entire appearance was rather gloomy this morning, a stark difference from what a fourteen-year-old might wear on their first day of school after the summer holidays.

,, Are you going to spend the rest of the morning staring at that monstrosity?" asked Gellert, seemingly appearing out of thin air as he leaned against the side of her desk with a bored look on his face.

The half-Veela didn't even flinch at his sudden interruption, merrily casting her gaze away from the Labyrinth for the briefest of seconds to look at him, before turning back.

,, Why does it suddenly interest you how I spend my free time?" She asked, sounding as monotone as a statue.

Giving a small scoff and roll of his eyes he replied. ,, For you to joke around at a time like this, who would have thought the day would come."

They both knew why he was here, and he definitely did not appreciate her kidding around with him.

Celestia let out a small sigh, admitting defeat for the time being, as she leaned back in her seat and waited for him to talk...

Noticing that he now had her attention, he began talking. ,, You realize that this year will be fundamental to your plans, don't you?"

He snapped his fingers, letting a book Celestia had Inherited from Esmeralda fly towards him. ,, Usually, I wouldn't try butting into your business, since you know what you're doing most of the time, but from what we both have seen and analyzed from each other's visions it is safe to say something or someone is trying to observe your behavior for one reason or another. We may not know why, but you and I both know it won't do this operation any favors."

While Gellert and Celestia were more business partners than anything, they still cared about one another......


And from what each of them had seen, this year would be nothing short of a nightmare, if the wrong decisions were made...

Gellert was also informed about Celestia's very unusual 'visitor' in her Vision back from the night where they discovered Sirius Black in the Shrieking Shack, and it made him incredibly uncomfortable, albeit he wouldn't admit it to anyone's face.

The ability to see the future was something many saw as one of the greatest gifts imaginable... But for the members of the Grindelwald family, it was more of a Curse than a blessing, if one were, to be honest.

No ability was like the other as they liked to say, and seers especially were affected by this, meaning some were only able to see snippets of images, while others were practically trapped in their Visions for what seemed to be days or even weeks....

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