Chapter 61 : The Quidditch World Cup

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,, Are you nervous to meet her ?" asked Rabastan, as he and Barty Crouch Jr. made their way towards one of the newly established rooms in Lestrange Manor.

It had been a while since anyone had entered the Lestrange home, its inhabitants getting adjusted to the newest addition of the family, who was curiously trying to study the new world around her.

Celestia Grindelwald.......

Barty still had a hard time grasping his head around the idea of Eliza having a child...... even more so that said child was already two weeks old, and seemed to be a Magical Magnet, constantly making things levitate around her in an effort to get her tiny fingers on them.

Barty offered a light chuckle, playing with the Moon Pendant of his necklace Eliza had gifted him in his first year of Hogwarts. A nervous habit he had picked up over the years. ,, A little........" He said. ,, .... I'm still in shock that nobody noticed Eliza being pregnant for so long..........."

Somber smiles made their way towards the two males' faces at the mention of the young Witch, who had managed to hide her pregnancy for over six months............

A month or so before Celestia was born, Eliza's mental state took a turn for the worse, her memories mixing up more often than not and leaving her confused about the current situations happening around her.

Of course, there had already been some signs before that, but something in her seemed to have snapped around that time, and by the time Celestia was born, Eliza was a mess.

,, ... How is she..?..." Rabastan asked him, knowing fully well that the male had visited her before coming here.

While Rabastan thought himself to be a good friend of Eliza's, nobody was as close to the Witch as Barty Crouch Jr, who she took under her wing right after he was sorted into Ravenclaw.

Barty cast his gaze down, the smile on his face feeling incredibly painful as he forced himself to do so. ,, ........... We talked for a little bit........ she was.... almost acting normal in the way she approached me.......... but............. as soon as I stood up she began screaming again....." He admitted, his shoulders sagging in tiredness.

He.... just couldn't do this anymore...........

Watching the woman who had shown him the only real kindness and familiar love in his life slowly decay as her mind fought itself........was just too painful.

Every time he saw her, the realization that she wouldn't be here in a few short months or maybe even weeks, sunk deeper into him, grasping at his heart and ripping it out, over and over again............

He had long since given up on thinking that Eliza was strong enough to fight this............

His Lizzie was strong, fought and protected her family against anyone who dared to even think of harming them............

But her own pain had unnoticeably built itself up over the years in the front of her mind, and with each burden added to her shoulders, the barrier hiding it away gained a new crack.

Violet's and Regulus's deaths had finally pushed her over the edge, the only save heaven from the full impact of her mind-breaking was the fact that she learned of her pregnancy.

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