Chapter 81 : Eve's Curse

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,, Hello Barty....." greeted the soft voice of Violet Grindelwald as she felt him enter her father's old office.....

Or now her office she supposed... After all the dead are in no need of Material things in the afterlife, even if she could still vividly see him hunched over the very same desk she was now sitting at, his tired golden eyes following the many letters on the pages before him.

,, Violet..." greeted Barty, bowing his head as he saw the young Slytherin dressed entirely in white... The color of mourning for the Grindelwalds. ,, ... I'm deeply sorry about your family's loss... Theseus was a good man."

She smiled the slightest bit, shaking her head at his last words..

Her father had been many things.... a good man though was not one of them. At least not if anyone cared to ask his daughters, who suffered under the pressure he put on their shoulders to become something they weren't, nor would they ever be able to achieve to be.

,, I thank you for your kind words, Barty." she told him, her once soft-spoken golden eyes now having turned empty of emotion, seemingly lost as they reflected a knowledge of the world nobody wanted to possess. ,, Though I do believe that it would be much better to simply tell the truth and say that the both of us are equally as glad as my dear elder sister is about the fact that Theseus Grindelwald has finally found peace with himself..." she let out a small sigh. ,, He never was able to do so in life... so maybe he'll finally find it in death."

The witch didn't know all too much about her father besides the few short moments where his cold exterior fell and she was able to catch a glimpse of the man he could have been if it wasn't for the people around them.

From what she heard, he had been a loving child, as bright as the beams of sunshine, and could light up an entire room by simply being present.

That of course changed after the death of her Grandmother Amaterasu....

As a lot of things did if she had to speak honestly......

While she never had the pleasure of actually meeting her grandmother, the infamous last cheerful or to be more precise 'sane' Grindelwald, she did get to hear stories about her from the people who followed her on her many journeys.

Her kindness and the love she held for her son and husband were something so very rare to find at the time of Gellert Grindelwald's regime.

Hadn't she herself found Amaterasu's Grimoire and read through it, she would have easily believed the woman to be one of the few exceptions to their bloodline who somehow were able to avoid succumbing to the madness within them all.

Alas, Amaterasu was still the daughter of Gellert and Sarah Grindelwald, two of the most dangerous and vicious dark Wizards the world has ever had the pleasure of knowing. And it would have been foolish to assume that her parents wouldn't have taught their daughter their ways.

Even if Sarah only had a few short months to do so, she used that time wisely..........

Barty knew of this too, a privilege of being Eliza's right Hand and a close family friend of the Grindelwalds.

,, Indeed, your Grace.." replied the male, glancing at the girl only a year younger than himself.

The last time he had seen her a few months back she and Regulus still looked like kids to him.....

Now, these very same kids were King and Queen of Europe in all but of name, seemingly having grown into adults overnight..

, How time flies, when you do not pay attention to it....' he thought to himself humorlessly, wondering when exactly the Fates had decided to cut their time of blissful ignorance short....

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