Chapter 110 : When Dungeons and Dragons becomes reality

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It was three in the morning by the time the little girl had woken up again, a yawn stretching her lips and her nose scrunching up as her blue eyes adjusted to take a better look at her surroundings..........

Regulus and Celestia, who had not left her side since Aelius and the other Healers declared that she would wake up in a matter of hours, quietly observed her as she did, simply waiting until she noticed them on her own.

They didn't know how she would react upon seeing them, or how much she remembered from the short periods of time she had woken up, which is why the pair decided to talk to her on their own for the time being, so she wouldn't be overwhelmed.

Slowly, blue eyes met grey and golden ones, the girl's breathing turning quicker as she tried to shuffle away from the couple, tears threatening to spill as she tried to find somewhere to escape or hide.

,, Hello...." greeted the half-Veela quietly, offering the girl a small smile, a hum leaving her lips as the younger girl continued to shake in fear.

Approaching her like one would a frightened animal, the Ravenclaw adjusted her chair so that she was sitting directly at her bedside and slowly placed a penguin plush on the blanket, that was holding a sunflower, momentarily letting the girl's focus turn towards it.

,, Lylla told us that you liked penguins and that Adrijana showed you a lot of pictures in a book about them...." said Celestia, Regulus and her watching as the young Pendragon momentarily stopped crying, slowly reaching for the plush and sliding it towards herself to inspect it. ,, Your brother picked it out for you.... we hope you like it."

He had spent quite a while standing in the plush section of a small family-owned store according to Remus and Barty, picking up each little plush animal they had to offer, before deciding on the penguin for his sister and a sloth for himself.....

The Werewolf and her godfather shared a good laugh recounting the gushing of the elderly No-Maj lady who had complimented his choice and even let him help in gently placing them into a bag to carry home.

Perhaps they hadn't understood everything, because she was speaking German, but the looks on the other customers' faces and the giggles constantly leaving her were enough of an explanation.

The twin inspected the plush, brushed her tears away with the sleeve of the blue hospital gown she was wearing, and let her blue eyes travel up toward Celestia.

She remembered her.......

Covered in splatters of blood and her black armor which was doused crimson after she beheaded one of the people trying to make a run for the forest.

Her golden eyes were glowing bright, pulling one's attention towards herself. It was impossible to ignore her, the mere presence she radiated enough to let everyone know that she was the one in charge of deciding each individual's fate....

Those who stood behind her couldn't take their eyes away from her, statures proud and imposing, willing to perish in the name of their leader, so long as she would spare them a singular glance.

Even those whose fates were doomed by her call refused to let their gazes stray from her, the beautiful creature that was looking at them as if they were less than the dirt beneath her shoes, the last sight to ever greet them before she swung her sword, relieving their heads from the rest of their bodies.....

She was as alluring as a Siren, beckoning those close to her into a spell with a singular look into those magnificent orbs of molten gold....

As elegant as an Elven Priestess, silent as a full moon's night as she captured her prey.....

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