Chapter 77 : The Yule Ball

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,, That would be... twenty-seven Dollars and ninety-five cents Sir." The cashier said, smiling politely as Sirius took out his wallet and handed the young girl twenty-eight Dollars.

,, Thank you." she said, briefly turning away to put it away, while the male calmly waited.

,, Here is your bag," said the girl as she handed him the bag filled with several colors of yarn and a new pair of knitting needles. ,, have a nice day!"

,, You too." replied the Wizard as he took his bag and left the shop where he frequently bought little things to busy himself with after his Therapy sessions in Ville-Marie...

After six months of living in Canada as a simple citizen with little contact with the Magical World besides the daily calls from Remus and the occasional visits from Celestia and Xavier, Sirius could now confidently say that he was doing a lot better.

Physically, he had put on a healthy amount of weight with the meal plan he and Mateo (his Therapist) came up with, and he had also started to go to the gym frequently to build up some strength back.

When he first came here, he was nothing but skin and bones, but now almost six months later he could actually pass as an ordinary man. A bit on the lanky side, but not something ambulance-calling concerning.

The Scars on his body would remain there, sure, but he had already made plans to get rid of that little problem as well with the help of an experienced Tattoo Artist who would be in Québec soon.

He couldn't wait to see the look on his family's face when they saw him again in the summer, though he knew Bellatrix and he would definitely share a good laugh out of everyone's surprised or shocked expressions.

Ah.. yes....

Another thing that he forgot to mention was his relationship with his oldest cousin.....

While they most definitely weren't the best of friends, the two of them did talk a lot over the phone, seeing as it was part of both of their therapy sessions and their children were to marry in a few years.....

Bellatrix and he maybe hadn't reached the point of a familiar bond yet, but they could confidently say that they were somewhat of friends and could hold a decent conversation with the other without plotting murder in their minds.

Well... The last part he could only say about himself, Bella he wasn't too sure about...... but who's asking anyways?

They knew that they had to learn how to get along, if not for themselves then for their children and their potential future grandchildren Celestia and Regulus would give them.

Those two deserved an at least properly functionating family after everything they were made to go through, that nobody could argue against.....

His therapy was helping his mental state a lot more than he realized as it seemed.....

Walking to the parking lot he took out his Helmet and put his bag in his leather coat whose pockets were charmed to fit several items, before calmly walking to his beloved Motorcycle, a Harley-Davidson Breakout model which he admits he cried in joy over when Celestia presented it to him a good two months ago.

, I wonder if I should buy one for Regulus's fifteenth......' he wondered smiling to himself at the thought alone.

Sure, the boy couldn't get a license just yet, but a little practice before actually getting it never hurt anyone....

Plus, it would be a good bonding experience for them, since he knew Regulus wouldn't find driving them very difficult.

Some say the easier flying a broom comes to you, the easier you will find riding a motorcycle, and Sirius couldn't argue against it, having experienced it firsthand.

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