Chapter 78 : A part of History

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Over the centuries many stories of the Pendragons had been passed down to the following generations, but probably none of them were as famous as the one involving the very beginning of the family, starting with none other than Queen Eve herself.

Forty years of marriage had resulted in thirteen children being born to the Queen and her husband, of which six managed to survive well into their adulthood able to witness the birth of their nieces, nephews, and great-grandchildren, while the other seven died either as children or when they were still in their mother's womb......

Many were impressed by the woman's fertility, even more so by how only two of her children who had passed were the result of a miscarriage and praised the woman for continuing the family line when her older sister refused to do so....

Morgan had remained unmarried and childless until her death, something Eve had hated her for more than anyone could have thought to be possible.

It wasn't fair, how she was made to marry a man she held no care for while her sister was able to do as she pleased, taking lover after lover without any consequence. Yet if she dared to even voice a single complaint about her marriage, the people at court would turn their noses up and dismiss her entirely.

She had learned over the years that no matter how high your standing was or how much you proved yourself to be useful, the people at Court would never see her as anything but a tool for them to use as they pleased...

Eve had long since known that the Court which was supposed to exist out of the Houses sworn to all three siblings equally, was in actuality housing none but her sister's allies and spies....

The love she once held for her was almost entirely gone, replaced by resentment and deep-rooted hatred that had her counting the days until the older witch died with great anticipation, happily dancing around her Quarters while holding her youngest granddaughter when the day finally arrived.

Her brother, who was there to witness it all couldn't really blame her, having witnessed more than a fair share of arguments between the two women over the past decades, and had seen how Morgan seemed to further succumb to the darkness within herself with each new sunrise.

Xavier, like his older sister, had not married, nor did he have any Heirs throughout his Ruling, unable to imagine himself in the position of his twin, whose children were most definitely her's but not her husband'.

The two oldest held a great resemblance to Eve, hair white as snow and eyes as Sapphire Blue as her's once had been, but their abilities to wield fire and create the unimaginable was something that they hadn't gotten from their mother or their supposed father.

Merlin was far too scrawny to match their stronger build, and their hair was nothing short of a mess of curls, light Elements of Copper shining in their eyes whenever they reflected the gentle tunes of fire.

And the other four? Great heavens, Xavier did not know whose children they were, but they were as terrifying in strength and intelligence as their older siblings, possibly even more so.....

Two of them were blessed with the ability to travel in the lands of Dreams, the younger able to let creatures of Nightmares come to the land of the living, an ability that was feared all over the Continent for it held a lot more power than some tried to make themselves believe...

Nightmares coming into the land of the living, displaying the deepest parts of oneself, and the thing they fear more than death.......

If the display alone was not enough to break a part of your mind, the knowledge that it could return at any given moment sure did.

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