Chapter 17 : Gilderoy Lockhart .... The new DADA Professor

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Before they knew it the First of September had come, meaning that it was time for them to return to Hogwarts.

,, Do you have everything ?" Xavier asked, looking her over as they stood in front of the red steam engine.

,, Yes, Grandfather." Celestia assured, amused about Xavier fuzzing over her.

,, Owl Treats ?"

,, In my Trunk."

,, Journal ?"

,, Also packed."

,, P-Wait where is Chrome ?" He asked, franticly looking around for the Niffler, in fear of what he might be up to.

,, Right here!" Perenelle said, letting Fenris walk up towards his Mistress, Chrome sitting on his back and looking around.

Xavier breathed out a sigh of relief and Celestia gently took ahold of his hands. ,, Everything is in order, Grandfather... and should something go wrong, I have Regulus and the others to help me."

The older Wizard sighed tiredly, but nodded, leaning down to hug her. ,, Be safe......... and should Lockhart try something, be sure to write a Letter. I'll arrange a Meeting with the governors faster than that fool can spell his own Book titles."

She chuckled, nodding as she heard the whistle of the train. ,, I'll see you at Yule." She promised, entering the train.

,, Write us!" Nicolas called after her, waving as he held a teary-eyed Perenelle at his side.

Celestia smiled, walking towards their usual Compartment with Fenris and Chrome.

,, 'Tia!!" As she entered she got glomped into a hug by two very excited twins, Hannah and Susan having also fallen victim to them a few minutes earlier.

,, Fred and George Weasley-!" Aiden warned, having arrived just now with Hunter and the three Slytherins of their group.

And as Aiden scolded the twins, Hunter watching with an amused grin, happy to for ones be free from it, Hannah and Susan happily fuzzing over Chrome and Fenris, while Regulus, Theo, and Blaise sat down to watch, she couldn't help but think that this was how it must feel like to have a family...........


,, Have you heard ?" Susan asked as they sat down together for breakfast the next day.

,, Heard what ?" Blaise asked, his Gossiping mode activated.

,, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were spotted arriving at Hogwarts in a Flying Car, last night at the Feast." She said, making the others turn to Fred and George, as they were the only Gryffindors in their group.

The Feast had not been as spectacular or mention-worthy as the one from last year, though Ravenclaw and Slytherin reached a good number of first years this year.

The only interesting thing that happened was when a girl named Luna Lovegood joined Ravenclaw and curtsied to Celestia before taking a seat close to her, Hunter, and Aiden.

Other than that they and their friends were happy to leave after Lockhart held a ten-minute introduction about himself where he loudly promoted his books.

Though the Slytherins were quick to notice that their Head of the House had been missing for the entire evening, only making his appearance later in the Common room to hold his yearly Welcoming speech, in which he looked like he wanted to kill someone.

,, Ah........ yeah....." George mumbled, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. ,, Dad finds Muggles fascinating..... So he modified one of the cars so it could fly if you press a button."

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