Chapter 51 : A much needed Heart to Heart

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The very next morning Celestia was the first one to wake up, her eyes blinking as they tried to adjust to their dark surroundings.........

For a moment she was confused, not entirely sure where she was or why her body felt so weak............

She felt a body leaning against hers, at which she let her eyes travel up to see the sleeping features of Regulus and let out a small smile...

Curls of black hair gently framed his face, some loose strands falling over his still closed eyes, which she moved behind his ear.

, His hair is growing longer again....' She thought in amusement, just now noticing how much it had grown out.

Celestia liked how it made his curls stick out more, especially when it was still untamed from sleep like now.

Her eyes moved to their surroundings, spotting Fred and George leaning against each other, light snores leaving past their lips, and sometimes moving, trying to get the other on the ground in hopes of managing to use the other as a pillow, while Tom slept near them, as stiff as a statue.

, Nothing out of the ordinary there.....' She thought, turning to look at the other bodies near them.

The Lion trio was huddled together, Ronald snoring loudly as he mumbled something about food, Granger rolling around, hands moving to clutch the space where the Time-Turner should have been, and Harry sprawled out in the most uncomfortable position Celestia had ever seen someone sleep in, his hair even more of a mess than it usually was.

Next to them were Sirius and Snape, both completely out of it and as far away from the other as possible...

, Even in their sleep, their personalities show as clear as a day...' She thought, sweat dropping.

Celestia then slowly got out of Regulus' hold, careful to not wake him up, and lightly shook Fenris and Chrome who were laying directly next to them awake, placing her index finger in front of her lips to signal that they had to remain quiet....

Carefully they made their way back into the Shrieking Shack, Fenris trudging in front of the white-haired witch just in case....

Looking around she saw several new claw marks across the walls, ripped up cushions, and destroyed furniture with dust flying in the air everywhere...

Chrome, who was being carried in her arms curiously turned his head to take everything in, quickly losing interest though once he noticed there wasn't anything he could potentially put in his pockets and take with him.

It didn't take long for them to stumble across a certain Werewolf, Remus having taken a seat on one of the somehow still standing chairs.

Hearing the footsteps heading his way the male lifted his head, letting Celestia take a good view of his pale features.

Several angry red scratches were littering his skin, bags under his eyes, and his clothes were in a state that Aiden would most likely describe as a horrendous mess....

,, ... Celestia....... What are you doing here..?.. " He asked, offering the girl a tired smile.

,, Just a quick check-in, to make sure you were all right..." She answered, returning the small smile as she stopped in front of him.

She took her Wand out, debating on how she should proceed with the conversation.......

,, May I..?.." She asked, gesturing to the scratches and bruises littering his skin.....

,, If you want." He answered, trusting the girl to not accidentally make his injuries worse..

Offering a nod she waited until Chrome climbed up her shoulder and got to work, careful around the areas she knew would hurt more, silence overtaking the room.......

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