Chapter 74 : The First Task

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Placing a hand on her ever-growing stomach Eve observed her reflection in the waters of the cave she stood in, an empty expression on her face........

Six Moons ago she had been wed to Merlin, the marriage having been proposed by her youngest brother Arthur, as a sign of good faith as he liked to say.....

Morgan and Xavier had reculantly agreed, not wanting to start a war between their two kingdoms, when it could easily be prevented with this marriage...

And so, Eve was made to marry the Wizard, wanting nothing more than to curse the whole lot of them as she did.

She was made to marry a fool, simply to keep the peace in her family, seen as nothing but a tool to her siblings and a childish princess for the rest of the kingdoms.........

The people around her might not believe she noticed, but she knew that they whispered and laughed at her behind her back, all the while pretending to care for her opinion with mocking smiles on their faces.............

For them, she was nothing.

A mere princess with a pretty face who had more air than thoughts filtering through her brain..........

Clenching her fist, the young woman's eyes swirled in their Golden glory, fury, and hate igniting them......

Her eyes, which had once been a beautiful Sapphire blue that sung the songs of love and kindness had long since turned an eternal gold, her hate at the people and the disgust she held for them and herself permanently reflected in their depths........

It was no wonder how more and more servants tried to flee the room when she entered their victiny, when all they could see was her hatred for them wishing nothing more than to burn them to the Core.....

Had it not been for her twin, she probably would have already done so.

Xavier had been Cursed with the same fate as her in a sense, his eyes slowly but surely becoming a permanent Gold like hers, showing that he too had been recognized by..them.. as someone dangerous to their kind....

Sometimes she regretted involving him in her business, but the Fates had decided that this was the path she was to follow, and she couldn't change what was always meant to happen one way or another........

,, You seem displeased, Eve.." spoke a deep voice behind her, the ground shifting with every move its owner made..

,, That is because I am, Osynien...." replied the white-haired witch, still staring at her reflection, or more precisely her stomach, in which she now carried another life.....

Shackles clanked, and she watched as the shadow of the Beast began to loom over her, the waters shaking restlessly as it came to stand behind the young woman, who merely stood still, unfazed as she waited for the waters to calm once more........

When they finally did, she was met with the sight of the hunched-over form of a Dragon, also known as Osynien, the bringer of Doom and Chaos......

Once upon a time, he was the most feared being on this planet, people running for their lives when they heard his very name being called.... when one day, he suddenly disappeared.

Nobody knew how, and none of them dared to ask, merely rejoiced to finally be free from the clutches of the Beast.....

They didn't realize that he was a lot closer than they thought, trapped in a cave with Magical shackles making it impossible for him to escape in any kind of way.

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