Chapter 13 : Through the Trapdoor they went

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A day before the start of the Exams Celestia, the twins, and Regulus made their way toward the Forbidden Corridor, being the four with most experience they deemed it for the best if they went up while the others waited in Celestia's room.

Thankfully Professor Flitwick had been more than delighted to allow them to have a sleepover ' so they could take a final look over their Notes before the Exams in the morning.

,, This certainly-"

,, Is going to be-"

,, The most dangerous Prank we've ever done." The twins said, George, carrying an exact replica of the Philosopher's Stone with himself as they took the final steps towards the Forbidden Corridor.

Since they had to let Dumbledore under the impression that the Stone was still under his grasp they spend the last week Transfigurating the replica under the instructions of Nicolas Flamel himself.

Celestia could have cried in joy when the man told her he'd let her guide him through how to make a Video-call.

,, But-"

,, It's also-"

,, Definitely the most exciting." They said, grinning.

,, Remember that should we die those will be your final words." Regulus told them, at which they grinned proudly. ,, Then we don't regret a thing, dear Reggie!"

Celestia shook her head in slight amusement, impressed by how the twins were able to be their usual selves in such a situation.

The group of four stopped before the locked door, Celestia taking her Wand. ,, Alohomora."

The lock broke and she carefully opened the door..............

There, in the middle of the room, held back by only a chain sat the Cerberus..

,, Quite Nasty looking...." George murmured, Fred, nodding as he scrunched his face up when the creature's drool began falling on the ground.

,, The only way to pass it is by playing music..." Celestia said, glancing at Regulus, who took a small Pebble and carefully levitated it toward the side of the room.

,, Ready ?" He asked, the other three nodding.

Together they cast a Spell that Transfigurated the Pebble into a Music Box, a gentle tune filling the room.

They quietly watched as the Cerberus grew tired, yawning from time to time as it sat down and made itself comfortable.

It only took five minutes for it to fall into a deep slumber.

,, Go!" The Quartet sprinted into the room, the twins lifting the trap door as Celestia and Regulus jumped in first, Fred and George following just as the Box had finished playing its Melody.

The Trap-door shut and they heard the Cerberus growling lightly, but nothing else, so they breathed out a sigh of relief.

,, Almost got us..."

Just as they said it, the Devil's Snare began moving, capturing them.

,, You just had to Jinx it, didn't you ?" Regulus asked, the twins giving him a nervous smile.

,, Just relax......." Celestia instructed, calmly breathing in and letting her body relax. ,, It will let go of you as soon as it deems you're not food."

She felt the plant's grip on her loosen and sink further down, until finally the plant let her go and she fell to the ground, thanking her reflexes as she landed on her two feet and not on her back.

Regulus took a small breath in to calm himself and followed after Celestia, the twins appeared seconds after him, though they weren't as lucky with their landing, groaning in pain as they took the two first year's hands to get up.

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