Chapter 63 : Never betray a Queen

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Her blood was boiling by the time Aelius and her had gotten back to Pendragon castle, the Elves bowing their heads lowly as she passed them on her way to her office.

Anger was clearly visible on her face, her Golden eyes promising death and torture if someone so much as dared to get close to her....

Aelius followed after her, quick on his heels to catch up to her.

He was nervous, and also extremely worried about the girl, never having seen her so angry before.

Not even the time she stabbed his father could compare to the amount of anger currently brewing in her eyes, her aura flaring out in such large amounts that anyone sane would have fled the scene upon noticing her.

It was shocking just how much power someone could hold over another by their gaze alone...

But that was the Royal family Magic for you, he supposed....

Storming into the office, the fireplace lit alight with deep blue flames, roaring as a reflection of her current mood as she took a seat behind her desk, ignoring Cosmos welcoming her, and Fenris awakening from his slumber.

She was angry.... so, so angry........

Not only had her gift failed her, but someone she had trusted, seen as family, and taken care of had betrayed her in the most horrific of ways.....

And for what? Just so Voldemort would be remembered by the public..... So that his name would still bring fear to the Next Generation....

, When I get my hands on that good for nothing son of a-'

,, Here........" The half-veela was snapped out of her thoughts by a cup of green tea being placed in front of her, by no other than Aelius, his expression giving no indication of fear or wariness as she turned her gaze to him.

Seeing that he now held her attention he offered her a small smile, bowing his head politely as he patiently waited at her side............

In her angry rant, she hadn't even realized that several minutes had passed since they had entered her office, or that Aelius had used her distraction to brew her a cup of her favorite tea in hopes of calming her down................

She breathed out a long, tired sigh, running a hand through the top of her head in hopes of getting rid of the stress currently building itself upon her mind in waves, her braid has become nothing short of a mess in her feelings going rampage...........

,, ...My Apologies.......... I know seeing me like this was..... not very becoming." She said, her shoulders slumping down in defeat, her eyes looking like she had just about aged another ten years in the spawn of this evening...........

Usually, she had better control of this part of herself...... but she supposed it was to be expected that she'd snap one day for one reason or another............

While her aura had promised pain and made those she passed bow to her in submission, the moment she had registered what had happened in her Vision she had gone Berserk in Italy, destroying everything in her sight with not a single bit of mercy being spared.

Thankfully she had only destroyed the building, and not killed anyone.........

, I hope the No-Majes managed to control the fire before it managed to reach the bakery next to it.......... I'll have to ask Klinge to write a check....' She thought, pinching the bridge of her nose as she already regretted ever stepping foot out of her bed this morning.

,, There is no need to apologize to me, my Lady." reassured the young Wizard, in no need of her apology. ,, Your reaction, all though a bit more extreme than one would usually think of, was to be expected after all.......... It is not every day one learns of one of their own kin betraying them."

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