Chapter 56 : A Disaster

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As the courtroom slowly emptied, and the three former prisoners were released from their shackles, their family stood close and watched, still in shock about the entire ordeal...

They had won......

Actually won.....

It was.... an incredible feeling, and Celestia couldn't help herself as she shuffled on her feet, waiting for her parents and uncle to finally reach her, Fenris was next to her letting his tail thump from one side to the other as he shared his Mistress's excitement.

Bellatrix was the first who had been let go, and as soon as she was freed she turned to Celestia and opened her arms to her, the half-Veela sparing no second thought on hesitation as she went up to the woman and wrapped her arms around the older witch.

,, Oh my sweet little star..........." whispered Bellatrix, pushing a few strands of white hair out of the young girl's face, before resting her hands on her cheeks, tears welling up in her eyes. ,, .. You've grown so much......."

The mother and daughter shared a small chuckle, both holding back tears at the meaning behind her words.

They had missed out so much in each other's lifes..........

So many milestones, moments and interactions were gone, unable to be taken back.....

And it hurt.

It hurt to know that it could have all gone differently if those around them for once would have believed them, and not simply gone ahead and agreed with everything Dumbledore told them to do.

It hurt knowing that the life they deserved had been taken away from them, for the selfish needs of another....

But... even with all the pain, they were so.. undeniably happy to finally be able to hold the other..

A simple hug could do wonders in Celestia's opinion, and the feeling of finally being able to experience the warmth of her mother's embrace around her made her want to never let go.

,, You've been good, right? No trouble from the old Goat or his followers ?" asked Bellatrix, caressing the girl's cheeks.

,, I'm fine, mother..... " replied Celestia, smiling at the older witch as she placed a hand over her mother's.

, I'm feeling more than fine, to be honest.' She thought, feeling the happiest she'd been in a long time.

,, ... My little Star...." muttered Rodolphus, walking up to his wife and daughter with slow steps, his body screaming at him to stop and take a seat or at least accept support from someone else, but he did not care.

Not when he was about to hold his daughter for the first time in almost twelve painful years.

Celestia turned to look at the male.........

His tall frame was moving incredibly slow, the many years he had spent at the mercy of the Dementors and poor conditions had taken their toll and left him with a limp on the left leg...

Once dark locks that fell down his shoulders in waves had turned matted and dirty, streaks of grey and even the occasional white....

His bones were very prominent, and the half-Veela felt like she was about to burst into tears by how sick he looked..

, ... Merlin...........' She thought, hesitantly letting go of her mother as she carefully made her way to the frail male.

,, ......... Father............." came from Celestia in a soft whisper, unsure what to do.....

There was nothing she would have wanted more than to wrap her arms around the Wizard, but his frail health and the fact that he looked like he was about to fall made her hesitate.

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