Chapter 18 : Mudbloods and Murmurs

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By the end of the day, the whole school had learned about Lockhart's Cornish Pixie mishap with his second-year students.

Celestia had been more than just a bit annoyed, having had to teach the whole class how to remove Ink out of their Robes while healing those who had bruises and scratches, not to mention Neville Longbottom who had a mild concussion thanks to his fall from the chandelier.

,, 'Tia, Love, you look like you're about to turn that book of yours into a block of Ice." Blaise said, sweat dropping at the girl who was sitting on Regulus' bed, dressed in a black Nightgown with a Star Pattern on it, Fenris's head on her lap, his eyes closed.

The girl sighed, feeling tired. ,, My Apologies............ I'm just frustrated, because of the catastrophic DADA lesson with Lockhart this noon.."

,, Understandable." Theo said, sitting on his own bed with Chrome on his lap, the boy scratching the Nifflers stomach as he read his own book. ,, That man has no talent whatsoever.. I mean did you hear the Spell incarnation he called out ? , Peskipiksi Pesternomi ' that guy is an absolute fraud and I can't believe Hannah and Susan still look at him like he hung up the Moon and Stars."

,, Didn't your Parents and Uncle go to school with him ?" Blaise suddenly asked, looking at Celestia.

She tilted her head, thinking about it.... ,, Hmm........ Now that you mention it..... They actually did, though they must have been in their fourth year when he was enrolled at Hogwarts."

,, Why not write about him in your next letter? He was a Ravenclaw, so Rabastan probably has quite a few stories on him to share, knowing how Barty Crouch Jnr. and he were befriended in the same year." Regulus said he and Draco entered the room, both with damp hair from their respective showers, and fluffy towels around their necks.

Celestia gave a hum, nodding. ,, I guess I will........... Uncle Rabastan did always have a great interest in gathering intel on others, even back when he was but a student."

Rabastan had probably more than just a little Backstabbing information on certain Wizengamot Members as well...

,, Don't remind me, Father told me quite a few stories of how he managed to get some of the older Slytherins to smuggle Veritaserum into the Firewhiskey of a Party in the common room..." Draco said, shuddering.

Nobody dared to go against the Lestrange brothers after that very evening, not wanting their secrets to getting exposed by Rabastan.

,, You two are back early.... How did it go ?" Blaise asked, raising an eyebrow curiously.

Draco and Regulus had been called to the Quidditch Pitch with some others by Marcus Flint, the two of them being the youngest out of the bunch.

,, He made us fly after Golfballs, and Draco almost got thrown off of his broom by a Bludger, otherwise, it went fine." Regulus bluntly answered, Draco going red in the face at the mention of him.

,, It came out of nowhere!" He defended himself, going to his own bed as Regulus sat down in front of his, letting Celestia dry his hair without protests, having grown used to it over the past year.

,, And ?" The Italian pressed further, wanting more details.

,, You're sitting before the New Seeker and Chaser of the Slytherin Quidditch team!" Draco proudly proclaimed, his earlier embarrassment put aside.

,, Really? Congratulations." Celestia said, smiling happily at them, Regulus looked up at her from his spot on the ground, only able to look upside-down in his position. ,, Hunter wanted to try out as Keeper next year, Aiden having had to remind him that he had to grow slightly taller and put on more muscle if he wanted the position."

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