Chapter 24 : The Emperor of Snakes

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,, 'TIA!!!!!!!!" at the sound of her name being loudly called into both of her ears Celestia abruptly sat up in her bed, her hand quickly reaching for the mechanism that would turn around her Headboard where an array of knives and daggers were hidden to fight of the intruders, Chrome tumbling onto her lap with a surprised squeak as Fenris raised his head briefly to find out who had woken him up.

Her fear and alarm quickly turned into exasperation and a fond sense of amusment as her eyes made contact with Fred and George's who were sitting on each side of her wearing matching grins, both still dressed in their Pyjamas and their hair untamed and most likely tangled...

They had sneaked into Celestia's chambers as quietly as possible every morning since the start of their Yule break, just so they could wake her up in the most curious ways possible. A very dangerous endeavour as they had learned the first time they had done so, the half-Veela's reflexes and the fact that she was a light sleeper working against them as they were chased out of her quarters with Hexes and Curses following after them....

Not to mention the time two daggers had almost hit them straight in the eye sockets...

The girl shook her head, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart down as she let out a sigh. ,, Fred.... George...... You two are going to be the end of me one of these days...."

,, Sorry." They chorused, their lack of sincerity made obvious by the fact that they were still grinning.

Shaking her head in fond amusment she got out of bed, Chrome climbing onto her shoulder and Fenris looking less than pleased as he jumped out of bed to follow after his Mistress.

,, Did the Owls arrive already?" She asked, quickly putting her hair up into a messy bun.

,, Yep! -"

,, We've been waiting for you to wake up-"

,, So that we could open up presents together!" They chimed, following after her.

,, *Chuckle* Is that so ?" She asked, grabbing their hands while shooting them a smile her eyes twinkling with mischief. ,, Then let us make haste."

The trio made their way down to the smallest living room of the castle, where Theo, Perenelle, Nicolas, Gellert, and Xavier were already waiting for them.

Perenelle was the first to notice them and gave them a bright smile. ,, Good morrow to you three! We've been waiting for you."

,, Good morrow to you as well, Perenelle." Celestia greeted, smiling back at the woman, before sitting down next to Theo who looked like he was still half-asleep, all kinds of presents piled up on the table in front of them.

,, Go on, open them." Nicolas encouraged, grinning mischievously, his hands tinkering away with another explosive of his, which earned him a slap to the back of his head from Perenelle.

Ignoring the couple's usual banter they each picked up a present, the one in Celestia's hold being from Regulus.

,, Oh! Is that from Regulus ?" Perenelle asked, excitement all over her face as she clapped her hands together and leaned in closer to take a better look, all the while ignoring the groan of pain Nicolas let out as he rubbed the now sore spot on his head.

,, It is." Celestia confirmed, involuntarily letting a smile tug at the corners of her mouth at the thought of the boy.

Since he had given her his scarf they had spent a lot more time together, taking walks across the castle grounds where they talked about their interests and likes, or sitting in the Ravenclaw or Slytherin common room where they read or played a round of chess, exchanging small pieces of their respective cultures with the other.

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