Chapter 59 : Apparate away!

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,, You're sure you don't want to go as well..?..." asked Regulus, the teen sitting on the floor of Celestia's room, trying his hardest not to move his head.

Celestia gave a small hum, skillfully moving the pair of scissors in her hold, with a concentrated look on her face. ,, I'm sure...." replied the girl, cutting a few strands off.

The half-Veela had been surprised, to say the least when her Boyfriend requested a haircut from her.......

She didn't question it all too much though, since their lives were filled with far weirder occurrences than an abrupt haircut, and obliged to his request.

The witch was a bit disappointed to see his long hair go, but alas if it was something Regulus wanted, she wouldn't mind it.

Regulus frowned lightly but otherwise kept his head still. ,, Really..?..... I mean.. It's the World Cup."

,, Exactly." said Celestia, playfully glaring at the back of his head. ,, After what you and the others put me through last Quidditch season I decided a small break from the sport would suit me well."

Memories of her scolding his former Captain and Oliver Wood surfaced in the front of his mind and he inwardly winced.

Yeah...... They kinda went overboard around that time..........

Knowing that he probably still felt bad she added. ,, I also got a brief run-through of the entire Match from my Vision... so even if I went I wouldn't enjoy it as much as the rest of you..."

Her Gift was a blessing as much as it was a bloody Curse, saving her from different situations but also ruining the fun in the simpler day-to-day activities.

Regulus rose an eyebrow, asking. ,, The entire Match.?... Did you see who'll win ?"

Chuckling at his reaction she nodded once more. ,, Yes, I did.. and before you ask no I didn't tell anyone besides Sirius and Hunter, nor will I tell you."

Sensing his head moving she immediately stopped chopping at his hair, having to hold back a laugh as he turned to her with a deadpan expression.

,, Out of all people.... you chose to tell Hunter???" He asked, staring at her.

Hunter Fletcher was a Gambler through and through, using every chance to fill his pockets with the money of his unsuspecting victims....

He was a master of deception and could probably rob you of all your money without anyone noticing up until it was already too late.

Regulus himself often liked to play chess with Hunter, or even a mock round of Poker if the others wanted to play a round, for the simple reason that the Ravenclaw was a completely different person when in his element.

Even the highest-ranking of Pure-bloods wouldn't be able to break his mind shields or read his expressions when playing, his eyes seemingly staring right into yours instead.

It was incredibly difficult to guess his next move, and he constantly changed his strategies mid-play, giving you not a single chance to catch up to him.

Most would think Hunter should have been a Gryffindor upon first meeting him, his nature a lot more open and carefree than that of the people he liked to surround himself with, but once they had seen him play, they immediately knew why the Hat placed him in the House of Ravens.

Celestia and he had a... very interesting kind of friendship, in Regulus' opinion, to say the least........

They could often be seen sitting together, neither saying a word to the other, as they worked on something.

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