Chapter 105 : The Hogwarts High Inquisitor

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As soon as the Mediwitch scrambled out of the room with a panicked look on her face, and the sound of several loud crashes reached their ears, Remus, Ace, Aelius, and Fenris sprinted towards the door ready to get inside, only to find it frozen shut.

,, Damn it...!..." grunted Ace, pushing his shoulder against the frozen wood to try and break it out of its hinges.

,, Celestia! Can you hear me?!" called Remus out, his worry growing when he heard no reply.

Glancing at Ace and Aelius who were both pushing their weight against the door repeatedly, and Fenris, who was using his sharp claws to break through the ice, he decided to join them. ,, Screw it......"

,, Together on three." he said, both teens stopping to wait for his signal.

,, One... Two...... Three.!!!" he exclaimed, eyes turning amber as they all pushed against it, successfully breaking it out of its hinges and falling to the floor with it, groaning in pain from the abrupt landing.

Aelius was the first to recover, blue eyes wildly searching through the chamber that had been covered in purple ice, and pushing himself up.

,, Celestia?" he called out, worriedly looking around for his fellow Veela, Fenris letting out a loud bark as he leaped towards a specific direction, which he was quick to follow.

,, 'Tia!" he called out again, breathing out a sigh of relief as he found the white-haired witch sitting on a chair, not a single strand of hair out of place and completely unharmed, a yellow barrier having formed in front of her that caught the sharp particles of ice, protecting her from harm's way.

,, Are you all right, your grace?" he asked, taking off his white cloak and putting it over her shoulders to shield her from the cold, his blue eyes filled with concern as he tried to figure out the emotions brimming within her golden eyes.

He had seen how she reacted in certain situations over the years of knowing and serving her and usually could see how she felt with a single glance at her eyes.

No matter if it was sadness, anger, love, happiness, or blood lust......

But this... the emotions currently visible within her were incredibly rare to observe.

Excitement, curiosity...

She looked much too happy for someone who almost got murdered, and he didn't know what to make out of it.......

, Though I suppose the norm doesn't apply to her in most cases anyway....' thought the Veela, nervously tapping his fingers against her shoulders, her golden eyes remaining on the yellow barrier that had created a sun pattern in the middle of itself.

,, It is simply marvelous is it not...." she said, gloved hand tracing the surface of the projection that had shielded her from being impaled by spikes of ice, the barrier responding to her touch by turning a soft orange wherever she let them glide over. ,, Not a single piece so much as managed to graze me before the earring I was gifted sprung to protect me......"

Even through the material of her gloves, she could feel the warmth the shield gave off.......

There was no scorching heat like when she was made to carry the dragon egg back to her chambers, or the sizzling burn whenever the hot iron was pressed onto her skin to enlarge the numbers placed there.....

Instead, there was a feeling of belonging, like the gentle hues of the sun kissing one's skin on a pleasant summer's afternoon.

,, The ice either broke into pieces or melted upon coming into contact with it......" she told him, the corners of her lips tugging up into a grin that could only be described as mad. ,, I wonder which material was used to create this....... Just imagine all the possible things we could achieve figuring out its functions and other abilities......"

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