Chapter 37 : A Stray...?....

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In no time at all, Defense Against the Dark Arts had become most people's favorite class....

And by most people, the Gryffindors were meant.

Sure, Professor Lupin's lessons held excitement, and students for the first time in quite a few years got to learn something in that class, but three of the four Houses felt like they were made out of thin air by how they went ignored most of the time.

No matter how often someone raised their hand to answer a question or simply just to ask about something they didn't understand, Granger seemed to always know exactly when to raise her hand to do the same.

It was.........

Suspicious how well-timed her questions and answers were....

,, This is the eight-time Lupin let her interrupt me......" Sui-Li, a fellow Ravenclaw in their year said as they made their way towards Potions. ,, It's getting ridiculous... She's able to finish my sentences without even knowing what I was going to say! I'm afraid to even raise my hand at this point..."

Celestia gave a small hum, glancing at her fellow Housemates and the Hufflepuffs accompanying them.......

This situation with Miss Granger and the general Gryffindors was growing out of control........

Nobody in their year even wanted to try doing well at DADA anymore, simply because they knew that as soon as they'd lift their hand, Granger would blurt out the answer without a second spared.

, Hmm........ If this continues nobody in our year will even want to try learning Defense...' Celestia thought, not exactly pleased with the possible outcome...

In the last War, most Muggle-born and Half-blooded Witches and Wizards died, because they had never been taught attack or Defense Spells, besides your common Stupefy and Protego..

The Dark had been so powerful because it consisted of well-trained Pure-bloods, who had millennia-old Family Grimoire filled with all kinds of Spells in their possession.

Not to mention the selected few who were trained by Voldemort himself.....

, Tom trained them himself........And thanks to that he was permitted to read through many Grimoires of Dark and neutral aligned families.....' She calculated the pros and cons, before making her final decision.

,, Why not make a DADA club ?" She asked, at which the others turned to her.

,, A DADA club ?" Justin Flinch-Fletchley repeated, and Celestia nodded, an enthusiastic smile on her face as she clapped her hands together, making most of her fellow third-years blush.

,, Since Professor Lupin has only the Gryffindors in mind with his teachings, the rest of us will simply just have to practice it on our own." She told them, Fenris giving an approving bark as his tail wagged behind him, Chrome on top of his head nodding.

The others shared glances, silently debating whether or not to agree................

,, You know, that's a great idea." Susan said, grinning as she linked arms with Celestia. ,, I mean, every year something happens to our Professors, or they're, to put it nicely not fit for the job. If we get together and do it on our own, we'll be able to learn a lot more than the Unicorn turds we've gone through, trying to get good grades."

Wayne Hopkins looked around, trying to see if anyone else was around, before leaning in closer, a hand against the side of his face as he began whispering. ,, Then... what about the Gryffindors...?..."

Celestia blinked, before offering them a close-eyed smile, lightly pressing her pointer finger against her lips. ,, It will be our secret..."

The entire group of third-year Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws blushed, finding themselves easily agreeing with the half-Veela.

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