Chapter 33 : Sirius Black - Escaped!

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A few weeks had passed since then.....

And currently, Celestia was making her way across Knockturn, a black hood over her head hiding most of her hair and facial features.

Fenris was by her side, Chrome balancing on the Wolf's head as they quickly made their way towards Borgin & Burkes.

One might wonder why the girl was in such a hurry...........


This morning, when Jade had delivered the Daily Prophet, the front page was completely covered by the picture of one Sirius Orion Black, dressed in a Prisoner's jumper and holding up a criminal identification number plate.................

The Headline.

Sirius Black Escaped out of Azkaban - Who will he go after next?

As soon as it had arrived, Celestia felt a sense of dread wash over her.........

The arrival of a worried-looking Arcturus Black only fueled that feeling..

Not because of Sirius, but Regulus's reaction to his father's escape.

Arcturus had come to them via Floo, looking incredibly stressed and worried as he asked them if they knew where Regulus was, the teen had disappeared from earth's surface after seeing the Daily Prophet that same morning..........

They had immediately gotten to work, searching everywhere he could have possibly left to.......

This is why Celestia was looking around Knockturn, probably looking like a madwoman, as she ran from one end to the next.

,, Fenris can you smell Regulus scent anywhere ?" She asked, looking for any possible sign of the grey-eyed teen around them.

,, It's faint! But he should be somewhere close!" He replied.

,, Good, show me the way!" She ordered, the both of them running in the direction Fenris picked Regulus' scent up from.

, Regulus........ Please be all right..' Celestia prayed in her mind, incredibly worried.

It didn't take too long to get to the small back Alley, which was probably the darkest part of entire Knockturn..............

,, In there ?" She asked, closely inspecting the small Alley.....

,, Yes." Fenris confirmed and that was all Celestia needed to walk in with him and Chrome.

,, Regulus." She lightly called out, slowly making her way further....

The Alley was narrow and covered in moss and dirt, some plants growing on the walls and not looking like the kind you'd want decorating your garden........

Chrome scrunched up his snout, laying down on Fenris's head so he wouldn't accidentally touch one of them.

Out of all places, this was not what he wanted to deal with at the moment.

,, Regulus, where are you ?" She tried once more, trying to spot him......

After a few minutes she spotted a cloaked figure leaning against the wall, its hood up and face cast downwards, its knees brought up close to its chest.

,, Regulus ?" Celestia slowly stepped up to the figure, identifying it as Regulus by the stitching on the cloak.

,, Oh Reggie......" She kneeled down so that she sat directly in front of him, Fenris slumping down next to her with Chrome sniffing the male after making it down Fenris's head.

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