Chapter 57 : To make a Deal with the Devil

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Hidden away in the depths of a dark forest, in the middle of Scotland stood a beautiful castle, overlooking a formerly inhabited land.......

From Mages to Elves, once upon a time, all things Magical called Avalon their rightful home...

Ruled by Queen Morgan and her two younger siblings King Xavier and Queen Eve, the land flourished into what was once acknowledged as the Capital of the Magical World, the Magical Community never having had such a stable place to meet and not hide away from the Non-Magical Folk.

Queen Eve, a white-haired witch with a pair of mesmerizing blue eyes, was known as the fair and just one of the three rulers, always being portrayed as the one standing in the middle of her older siblings.

King Xavier shared his twin sister's white hair but bore a pair of charcoal black eyes that usually served to glare at those beneath him, the male known as the more brash and cold one out of the three. Xavier had been young when he was first thrust into the war by their father, only thirteen when he first took the life of another.....

It had caused him to turn cold and seem ruthless, many of his enemies describing him as a demon Lucifer himself had send upon Earth to punish its inhabitants.

His sword, which he gifted the name Nightshade, used to only bear the color red, the blood of those who stood against him dying the silver blade a deep crimson..

Over time the blood became less, but still, it never seemed to vanish, leaving Xavier to turn his blade black, so that nobody could see the dreaded red color.....

Then came the oldest, Queen Morgan..

She did not share her younger sister's blue eyes, nor her brother's charcoal black ones....

Her eyes were often described as grey, with a few flickers of green and Amber floating around them.

She also did not share their curly white hair, instead bearing curls of deep black, that softly ran along her back and shined when she stood in the sun for a long time.

Morgan was the oldest and known as the true ruler of Avalon. She was the more Magically gifted of the three, having been the one to teach the twins everything they needed to grow into the people they had become.

The early death of their mother and the neglect of their father led her to take on the role of primary caretaker of her younger siblings, believing nobody else would be good enough to do so, or willing enough to stay.

Avalon had risen to its peak because of her influence, her intelligence, and Magical power leading her to believe that others like her needed a place they could call home as well.

She actively went against their father, who showed absolute hatred against anything and everything Magical, and actively supported the Witch hunts taking place over the counrty....

So Morgan went to Eve and Xavier, begging them to leave with her and create a Kingdom somewhere far away from Camelot.... Somewhere they would be safe......

The twins were unsure, not entirely against the idea, but also afraid of leaving their youngest brother, Arthur, behind.....

They knew how their father would react, to them leaving..........

Arthur was Uther's favorite of the four, even a blind man could see that since the boy was the only one of his children that looked and acted..... well... normal.....

Morgan was too stubborn, always fighting against him....

Xavier was too quiet and brooding, his white hair and feminine features were far too unnatural for him to be considered King...

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