Chapter 115 : What comes next?

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,, What does it mean to be , half-mortal ' Madame ?" Lylla asked, gazing upon the tapestry depicting Eve Pendragon and her siblings and children standing before a large crowd of people of all genders and ages who were cheering and carrying the banners of the Houses Pendragon and Le Fay while a dragon loomed in the shadows below the family, the head right beneath the twins' feet.

Celestia, who was standing next to her dressed in a gown of soft blue, let out a small hum, not minding Nova, who was playing with Chrome at the hem of her skirts and carefully letting her fingers run over the beading that was made to resemble the heavens at night. ,, That is a very difficult question to answer....."

She and the Otter had long since her arrival come to an unspoken agreement of sorts that had built the foundation of their shared trust in the other. Every day, when the sun started to depart and the skies welcomed the moon to signal the end of yet another day, they would take a stroll across the castle or the gardens where Lylla would then ask Celestia one question that had been on her mind, and she would in return answer her honestly no matter how questionable it may have sounded to an outsider's ears.

Today, their stroll had taken them to the southern wing of the sixth floor, which not only held the main entrance to the library but also stored several pieces of art that had been hanging on the walls for so long no one could precisely tell who had created them or at what point they had found their way into the castle.

Had it not been for certain statues loitering across these halls, Celestia was sure the timeline would have remained to be even more of a mystery than it was to begin with.

Even now she could spot a statue of the goddess Apate who was clutching onto a book where a signular golden rose laid between the marble pages from where they were standing.

The half-Veela found it quite ironic that Rosalia Black-Raven had turned out to honor her very namesake in her adulthood by somehow having managed to deceive an entire village's worth of witch hunters into believing that Camelot held no such thing as witches or wizards, all while pointing the church and pope in their direction and accusing them of Blasphemy and making pacts with the devil.

Hells, that woman loved to stir up trouble for others and, if rumors of the time held any truth to them, practically salivated whenever an opportunity presented itself where she could bring someone to ruin.

It mattered little to her if that 'opportunity' turned out to be an enemy or a member of her own family.

An absolutely delightful woman, wasn't she?

People shouldn't have been as surprised as they were when news spread about her having been slaughtered by her eldest son at the age of thirty-two.

The sixteen-year-old had supposedly stabbed her to death one unsuspecting summer's night as he laughed in a mixture of mad glee and complete insanity, all the while making his younger sisters and brother watch.

'T was a good thing he had been executed by the order of the remaining siblings and his cousins before he could officially take the throne.....

Celestia did not want to imagine what it would have been like had it come down to him sitting on the throne after his mother.

, All of Europe would have sunken into a millennia filled with nothing but terror and madness...' thought the Ravenclaw, once more questioning how her ancestors had survived for as long as they had when people like that took over a good portion of their lineage over the course of history.

Perhaps there was a good thing coming out of the fact that she had never met any older member of her blood family besides Gellert......

Two former dark lords with blood-puristic views and the tendency to kill and torture whoever got in their way or on their nerves in the same Household was more than enough for this part of the century, thank you very much.

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