Chapter 68 : The Mystery continues

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Early next morning, Celestia had woken up with thousands of thoughts running through her mind, most of them questioning who in the world C.L.B and P.J could be......

While she now knew how they looked, their names were still a mystery, and Celestia's only real hint was that one of them belonged to the Black family........

So she did what any reasonable person would do and headed off to the Owlery the very hour she woke up, a Letter addressed to Tom in her clutches, Fenris and Chrome with Regulus in the Slytherin Dungeons, and therefore unable to accompany her.

The Owlery was a circular stone room, rather cold and drafty because none of the windows had glass in them. The floor was entirely covered in straw, owl droppings, and the regurgitated skeletons of mice and voles. Hundreds upon hundreds of owls of every breed imaginable were nestled here on perches that rose right up to the top of the tower, nearly all of them asleep, though here and there a round amber eye curiously stared after her as she headed towards Jade's favorite spot, Regulus' owl Jasper nestled in next to her and looking as annoyed as his owner when you dared to wake him up.

, For the love of Rowena, this place is a safety hazard on its' own....' thought the half-Veela, careful to not accidentally step on a living creature, as she looked around.

While Filch did his best, a single man couldn't keep all of Hogwarts spotless while also repairing anything destroyed by Magic with his own hands, which meant that places like the Owlery were only rarely cleaned, if ever cleaned at all.......

Xavier had told her that before Dumbledore was made Headmaster, the four Houses were given weekly chores, to help keep Hogwarts clean and teach them about responsibility and the fact that you needed to pick up after yourself........

, Sometimes I wonder how that old fool even managed to get himself a teaching position... and held on to it only to be appointed Headmaster at that.' thought the female, unable to help but once more think that most of the Wizards of the older Generation were utterly useless and out of their minds.

Shaking those thoughts away, for now, she gently traced a finger along her owl's face, smiling as Jade nuzzled closer and started nibbling at her fingers as she was slowly brought out of her slumber.

,, Hello my love..... did you rest well?" She asked, the owl giving her a light nod of the head in return, eyes opening and staring up at her owner.

Celestia smiled, offering her arms, which Jade hopped into without any argument. ,, That's good to hear........ Now.. I have a Letter for you, that needs to be delivered to Cronus... Can you do it, Jade ?"

The owl stretched out her leg, giving a hoot that basically meant, 'of course, I can.'

,, Thank you." said the half-Veela, nuzzling her head against the owls, a chuckle leaving her lips as Jade affectionately nibbled at her hair to mess it up. ,, All right, all right.... I love you too..... Now off you go."

Jade gave the girl a final look, then she spread her wings and took off into the sunrise. Celestia watched her go, feeling the unease within her settle the slightest bit......

,, Can I help you with anything, in particular, Heir Potter? Or are you simply staring at the back of my head because you have nothing else to do this fine morning?" asked the half-Veela, having noticed the male's presence by the side of the door a few minutes ago.

Harry flinched, almost jumping out of his skin as he realized the girl had been aware of his presence from the moment he had stepped foot into the Owlery......

That was as impressive as it was embarrassing for him.... which was a lot, might he add.

Knowing that he had nothing to lose anymore he stepped out of his, albeit poor, choice of hiding place and walked up to her, only stopping once they stood side by side.

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